Elsie Laura GannAge: 0 days1904–1904
- Name
- Elsie Laura Gann
- Given names
- Elsie Laura
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Charles Winfrey Gann Birth: May 24, 1880 32 28 — Wolf City, Hunt Co, TX Death: December 19, 1970 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
mother |
Effie McAfoos Birth: August 7, 1881 Death: |
elder brother |
Elmer Franklin Gann Birth: August 7, 1902 22 21 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR Death: August 20, 1991 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
2 years herself |
Elsie Laura Gann Birth: 1904 23 22 Death: 1904 |
brother |
Harold Gann Death: 1900 |
brother |
Private |
Father’s family with Della Oretta Willis |
father |
Charles Winfrey Gann Birth: May 24, 1880 32 28 — Wolf City, Hunt Co, TX Death: December 19, 1970 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
step-mother |
Della Oretta Willis Birth: 1884 Death: 1966 |
Marriage: 1908 — |
Note | From Fay Ann Polson, Tulsa, OK. |