Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Malinda Gann1805

Malinda Gann
Given names
Birth about 1805 40
Death of a paternal grandfatherAdam Gann
August 6, 1812 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Washington Gann
1820 (Age 15 years)
MarriageThomas Mathias PenneyView this family
November 2, 1822 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
Isham Penney
1825 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary (Polly) Penney
about 1826 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a son
George Washington Penney
August 15, 1826 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Miles Pinkton Penney
about 1830 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a daughter
Sarah M. Penney
about 1830 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Martha A. Penney
about 1832 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Frances Olivia Penney
about 1835 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Jane Penney
about 1838 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a son
Andrew Jackson Penney
March 1, 1840 (Age 35 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Gann
July 25, 1840 (Age 35 years)
Marriage of a childJames GannMary (Polly) PenneyView this family
March 25, 1842 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
Almeda Penney
November 22, 1844 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marcillia Penney
about 1846 (Age 41 years)
Birth of a daughter
Cynthia Ann Penney
March 28, 1846 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childIsham PenneyEliza Adeline PritchettView this family
September 18, 1848 (Age 43 years)
Marriage of a childMiles Pinkton PenneyMary Ann BeanView this family
1848 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
William Penney
about 1849 (Age 44 years)

Marriage of a childGeorge Washington PenneyPolina Jane MartinView this family
August 18, 1850 (Age 45 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Gann
1850 (Age 45 years)
Birth of a daughter
Caldonia Penney
about 1852 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childMiles Pinkton PenneySarah GannView this family
August 20, 1852 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph Albert LooneyAlmeda PenneyView this family
June 20, 1860 (Age 55 years)
Marriage of a childHenry ParrettMarcillia PenneyView this family
March 11, 1866 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childAndrew Jackson PenneySafronia BillingsView this family
August 7, 1867 (Age 62 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam PenneyCelia DaughteryView this family
August 18, 1868 (Age 63 years)
Death of a husbandThomas Mathias Penney
1868 (Age 63 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam M. LaymanCynthia Ann PenneyView this family
September 17, 1870 (Age 65 years)
Death of a brotherJohn (Jack) Gann
November 5, 1871 (Age 66 years)
Marriage of a childAndrew Jackson PenneyMalissa Lowe BrimerView this family
December 5, 1875 (Age 70 years)
Death of a sonMiles Pinkton Penney
December 25, 1877 (Age 72 years)
Death of a daughterMartha A. Penney
before 1882 (Age 77 years)
Death of a brotherPreston Gann
April 24, 1884 (Age 79 years)

Death of a sonIsham Penney
October 21, 1890 (Age 85 years)
Death of a sisterMary Gann
January 12, 1892 (Age 87 years)
Death of a sisterEliza Gann
1908 (Age 103 years)
Death of a sonGeorge Washington Penney
May 1, 1910 (Age 105 years)
Death of a sonAndrew Jackson Penney
July 31, 1917 (Age 112 years)
Death of a daughterAlmeda Penney
February 23, 1923 (Age 118 years)

Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
8 months
elder sister
4 years
16 years
younger brother
Family with Thomas Mathias Penney - View this family
Marriage: November 2, 1822Rhea Co, TN
3 years
2 years
7 months
4 years
1 year
3 years
4 years
4 years
2 years
5 years
2 years
3 months
4 years
4 years


From Colleen Lucas, 11871 Weaver Circle, Garden Grove, CA 92645.

It has been speculated by some that Malinda was a daughter of Thomas Gann, Sr. and Elizabeth.

Harrison, Tennessee, Monday Feb. 1st, 1869 court session: "Commissioners heretofore appointed to lay off a years support to Malinda Penney, widow of Thomas Penny, deceased, presented to the Court their report which is in words and figures following towit: We the undersigned Commissioners appointed at the October Term of the County Court of Hamilton County, Tenn. to pay off and set apart a years support for Malinda Penny, widow of Thomas Penny, Decd. Respectfully submit to your Worship, the following report of our action, Viz: Fifteen bushels of Wheat or Three barrels of flour; Five Hogs, first choice in the lot; Two Milk Cows; Two Hundred Bushels of Corn; Ten Dollars worth of Coffee; and Ten Dollars worth of Sugar; One Wagon and Yoke of Oxen; all the Vegetables in the garden & truck patches, This Nov 10th, 1868. Wm. Clift, W. R. Brown, Commissioners."