Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Mary E. MaysAge: 88 years18671956

Mary E. Mays
Given names
Mary E.
Birth March 24, 1867

MarriageNathan Aldredge GannView this family
December 25, 1887 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
James Edward Gann
November 25, 1888 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a child
Lee Gann
1890 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a daughter
Aletha Gann
1893 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a daughter
Lillie Gann
1897 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a son
W. A. (Buddy) Gann
1900 (Age 32 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary Alice Gann
October 20, 1903 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a child
Jody Gann
1905 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a daughter
John Ethyl Gann
November 25, 1907 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
Jessie Gann
1911 (Age 43 years)

Marriage of a childJames Edward GannMinnie Lee RosserView this family
April 5, 1915 (Age 48 years)
Death of a husbandNathan Aldredge Gann
July 1924 (Age 57 years)
Death of a daughterMary Alice Gann
December 4, 1950 (Age 83 years)
Burial of a daughterMary Alice Gann
December 7, 1950 (Age 83 years)
Death February 3, 1956 (Age 88 years)
Burial February 6, 1956 (3 days after death)
Family with Nathan Aldredge Gann - View this family
Marriage: December 25, 1887Hays or Cass Co, TX
11 months
2 years
4 years
5 years
4 years
4 years
Mary Alice Gann
Birth: October 20, 1903 58 36Buda, Travis County, Texas
Death: December 4, 1950Delvalle, Travis County, Texas
2 years
3 years
John Ethyl Gann
Birth: November 25, 1907 62 40Hays Co, TX
Death: October 3, 1975Austin, Travis County, Texas
4 years
Nathan Aldredge Gann + Nancy Jane Parish - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: AR
2 years
7 years
5 years


From Clifford Gann, Irving, TX. !1900 US Census; Precinct 5; Hays County, Texas; lists Mary with Nathan. The family listed just before the Gann family is named Mays; John and Emma Mays; This is probably Mary's brother and sister-in-law; !Texas Death Certificate; Name: Mary E. Gann; Death Date: 03 Feb 1956; Death Place: Austin, Travis, Texas Gender: Female; Race: White; Death Age: 88 years 10 months 9 days; Birth Date: 24 Mar 1867; Birthplace: Kentucky Marital Status: Widowed; Father's Name: Mayes; Father's Birthplace: Unknown; Mother's Name: Unknown Mother's Birthplace: Unknown; Occupation: Housewife; Place of Residence: Pflugerville, Travis, Texas; Cemetery: Capital Memorial Gardens; Burial Place: Austin, Texas; Burial Date: 05 Feb 1956; Film Number: 2114628 Digital Film Number: 4165497; Image Number: 3086; Reference Number: Cn 10509