Hiram GannAge: 73 years1824–1898
- Name
- Hiram Gann
- Given names
- Hiram
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Nathan Gann Birth: 1794 35 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: March 24, 1877 — Haralson Co, GA |
mother |
Margaret Priscilla … Birth: 1789 — SC Death: 1893 |
Marriage: before 1823 — TN |
14 months himself |
Hiram Gann Birth: March 10, 1824 30 35 — Washington Co, TN Death: January 18, 1898 — Potter, Polk Co, AR |
14 months younger sister |
Susanna H. Gann Birth: April 30, 1825 31 36 — TN Death: about 1910 — Haralson Co, GA |
3 years younger brother |
William Gann Birth: November 5, 1827 33 38 — Indian lands, Fayette Co, GA Death: |
14 months younger sister |
Mary A. (Polly) Gann Birth: 1828 34 39 — Fayette Co, GA Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Benjamin Gann Birth: 1830 36 41 — GA Death: |
-3 years younger brother |
Berry Granville Gann Birth: 1826 32 37 — Carroll, Fayette Co, GA Death: August 9, 1878 — Dye Mound, Montague Co, TX |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
brother |
Family with Elizabeth Goggins |
himself |
Hiram Gann Birth: March 10, 1824 30 35 — Washington Co, TN Death: January 18, 1898 — Potter, Polk Co, AR |
wife |
Elizabeth Goggins Birth: May 24, 1826 — GA Death: June 10, 1879 — Potter, Polk Co, AR |
Marriage: September 4, 1843 — Paulding Co, GA |
1 year son |
Nathan Alexander Gann Birth: August 27, 1844 20 18 — Paulding Co, GA Death: January 26, 1916 — Potter, Polk Co, AR |
2 years son |
William Allen Gann Birth: September 30, 1846 22 20 — Paulding Co, GA Death: February 3, 1925 — Ada, Pontotoc Co, OK |
3 years son |
Wyatt M. Gann Birth: May 6, 1849 25 22 Death: December 16, 1887 |
3 years son |
Berry Gann Birth: April 16, 1852 28 25 Death: 1887 |
3 years daughter |
Malinda Mary Gann Birth: March 8, 1855 30 28 Death: |
3 years daughter |
Sarah Melissa Gann Birth: March 26, 1858 34 31 Death: January 18, 1897 |
4 years son |
John David Gann Birth: January 13, 1862 37 35 — Marion Co, AL Death: March 9, 1949 — Ada, Pontotoc Co, OK |
3 years daughter |
Susan Priscilla Gann Birth: January 1, 1865 40 38 Death: |
21 months son |
Hiram Franklin Gann Birth: October 8, 1866 42 40 Death: March 6, 1954 |
Family with Nancy Barder Roland |
himself |
Hiram Gann Birth: March 10, 1824 30 35 — Washington Co, TN Death: January 18, 1898 — Potter, Polk Co, AR |
wife |
Nancy Barder Roland Birth: March 17, 1840 — GA Death: December 15, 1911 |
Marriage: August 26, 1879 — |
Note | From William R. Gann, Independence, MO. James A. Gann, Box 344, Hobbs, NM 88240 Jan 1991 (505)393-5544. 11/6/95 Listed on GA 1850 census, Paulding Co - 858th District No. 579-579. Hiram 26 farmer born TN, Elizabeth wife 22 born GA, Nathan son 6 born GA, William A. son 4 born GA, Wyatt son 1 born GA. Hiram and Elizabeth resided in Georgia until 1857, then they moved to Marion Co, AL, and then in 1867, they moved to Hardin Co, TN. In 1869 they moved to Cook Co, TX, and then on to Polk Co, AR, in the latter part of that year. |