William Alexander BrobeckAge: 85 years1863–1948
- Name
- William Alexander Brobeck
- Given names
- William Alexander
- Surname
- Brobeck
Family with parents |
father |
James Morrison Brobeck Birth: January 18, 1821 — Washington Co, TN Death: March 31, 1897 — Washington Co, TN |
mother |
Martha Jane Gann Birth: 1827 50 49 — Nolichucky, Washington Co, TN Death: February 28, 1863 — Brownsboro, Washington Co, TN |
Marriage: March 12, 1857 — Washington Co, TN |
18 months elder sister |
Margaret Rosanna (Maggie) Brobeck Birth: August 29, 1858 37 31 — Washington Co, TN Death: 1936 |
22 months elder sister |
Anne E. Brobeck Birth: June 16, 1860 39 33 — Washington Co, TN Death: March 23, 1939 — Knoxville, Knox Co, TN |
3 years himself |
William Alexander Brobeck Birth: February 28, 1863 42 36 — Washington Co, TN Death: April 16, 1948 |
Family with Martha Alice Seaton |
himself |
William Alexander Brobeck Birth: February 28, 1863 42 36 — Washington Co, TN Death: April 16, 1948 |
wife |
Martha Alice Seaton Birth: September 14, 1866 — Washington Co, TN Death: September 19, 1936 |
Marriage: April 27, 1884 — |
9 months son |
Lunceford Pitt H. Brobeck Birth: January 31, 1885 21 18 Death: September 6, 1962 |
2 years daughter |
Gertrude Burrus Brobeck Birth: April 17, 1887 24 20 Death: |
2 years son |
Jacob Fred Brobeck Birth: April 27, 1889 26 22 Death: August 6, 1965 |
2 years son |
James Ross Brobeck Birth: September 17, 1891 28 25 Death: July 10, 1959 |
3 years son |
Horace Lady Brobeck Birth: April 18, 1894 31 27 Death: August 28, 1970 |
3 years daughter |
Julia Crouch Brobeck Birth: March 29, 1897 34 30 Death: September 4, 1968 |
2 years daughter |
Carrie Myrtle Brobeck Birth: July 13, 1899 36 32 Death: |
5 years daughter |
Velma Mae Brobeck Birth: February 22, 1904 40 37 Death: |
Note | From Martha Cate O'Dell Mahoney, R 6, Jonesboro, TN 37659. Will and Martha Alice lived in the Nolichucky bottom behind Asbury and just downstream from Bailey's Bridge. Their home was swept away in the May-tide of 1901. There were no injuries or loss of life, but the only thing salvaged was the family Bible which records the birth of their eight children. |