Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Sarah Lucinda GannAge: 66 years18681934

Sarah Lucinda Gann
Given names
Sarah Lucinda
Birth April 13, 1868 27 31
Birth of a sisterNancy I. Gann
June 10, 1870 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a sisterTennessee (Juda) Gann
February 10, 1873 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth Susan Gann
December 21, 1874 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterMargaret Gann
December 4, 1876 (Age 8 years)
Death of a sisterNancy I. Gann
July 10, 1877 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a brotherSilas Leonard (Len) Gann
January 30, 1879 (Age 10 years)
MarriageJames Hyder GannView this family
January 16, 1881 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a daughter
Martha Alice (Allie) Gann
1886 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
Andrew Gann
February 18, 1888 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Elbert (Ebb) Gann
August 14, 1890 (Age 22 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherSilas Boaz Gann
December 27, 1891 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
Galey A. Gann
November 18, 1895 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Lillie Mae Gann
January 26, 1898 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherCatherine Harris
May 2, 1906 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
Orville Gann
May 11, 1906 (Age 38 years)
Marriage of a childAndrew GannSadie AnglenView this family
October 25, 1909 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childElbert (Ebb) GannCaledonia “Callie” EvansView this family
September 29, 1912 (Age 44 years)
Marriage of a childBert MeldrumLillie Mae GannView this family
February 18, 1917 (Age 48 years)
Marriage of a childGaley A. GannEthel WyattView this family
July 29, 1920 (Age 52 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Henry Boaz Gann
February 16, 1925 (Age 56 years)
Death of a brotherSilas Leonard (Len) Gann
May 14, 1925 (Age 57 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Caroline Gann
March 26, 1927 (Age 58 years)
Burial of a sisterSarah Caroline Gann
March 27, 1927 (Age 58 years)
Death May 9, 1934 (Age 66 years)
Burial May 10, 1934 (1 day after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 5, 1860Webster Co., MO
14 years
younger sister
-15 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
19 months
elder sister
4 years
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Margaret Gann
Birth: December 4, 1876 35 39Conway, Dallas Co, MO
Death: March 6, 1966Elkland, Webster Co, MO
2 years
younger brother
-12 years
elder sister
Family with James Hyder Gann - View this family
Marriage: January 16, 1881Buffalo, Dallas Co, MO
6 years
2 years
Andrew Gann
Birth: February 18, 1888 31 19Dallas Co, MO
Death: December 30, 1967Springfield, Greene Co, MO
3 years
5 years
2 years


From Doretta Moore, R 4, Box 305K, Blanchard, OK 73010-9407 (405)392-5046 11/3/95. From Craig Hubbard, 1847 Garnet St, Corona, CA 91710 12/28/95. !Conway Weekly Record--May 10, 1934: Mrs. James H. Gann, 66 years old, died at her home near Charity Wednesday morning, following an illness of several months. Funeral services were conducted Thursday morning by Rev. Tom Pettitt. Burial was in Marlin Cemetery, directed by J. H. Moffit of Conway. Sarah Lucinda Gann, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gann was born in Dallas Co April 13, 1868. She is survived by her husband, four sons, Andrew, Elbert, Galey, and Orvil and two daughters, Mrs. Allie Ford, in Kansas, and Mrs. Lillie Meldrum of Charity.