Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Asuncion GUILLEN
Birth August 5, 1866 17
Birth of a brotherMaximiano GUILLEN
1871 (Age 4 years)

Baptism of a brotherJose Jesus GUILLEN
March 5, 1871 (Age 4 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMaria Josefa CANO
March 23, 1873 (Age 6 years)
Death of a brotherJose Jesus GUILLEN
June 20, 1873 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherMartiniano GUILLEN
about 1874 (Age 7 years)

Baptism of a sisterJosefa GUILLEN RIBAS
June 13, 1875 (Age 8 years)
MarriageRemedios FIERROView this family
August 29, 1885 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a brotherMelquiades GUILLEN
November 23, 1887 (Age 21 years)
Baptism of a brotherMelquiades GUILLEN
December 10, 1887 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
1888 (Age 21 years)

Death of a sonAndres FIERRO
April 17, 1888 (Age 21 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria FIERRO
April 21, 1889 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a brotherNazario GUILLEN
about 1890 (Age 23 years)

Death of a brotherNazario GUILLEN
September 10, 1890 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria del Refugio FIERRO
April 26, 1891 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Guadalupe FIERRO
1892 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a sisterMaria Paz GUILLEN
January 12, 1892 (Age 25 years)
Shared note: MA Paz Guillen
Death of a daughterMaria del Refugio FIERRO
February 26, 1892 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Belen FIERRO
January 12, 1893 (Age 26 years)
Death of a daughterMaria Guadalupe FIERRO
May 22, 1893 (Age 26 years)
Shared note: 5 months old
Birth of a son
Rosendo FIERRO
about 1897 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a son
about 1901 (Age 34 years)

Birth of a daughter
Concepción FIERRO
November 19, 1902 (Age 36 years)
Death of a fatherNazario GUILLEN
March 3, 1904 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Margarito Manuel FIERRO
February 22, 1905 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
Benjamin FIERRO
March 4, 1907 (Age 40 years)
Death of a sonBenjamin FIERRO
March 16, 1907 (Age 40 years)
Residence 1908 (Age 41 years)
Shared note: Address: 4 Victoria
Death of a motherMaria Trinidad RIBAS
December 22, 1928 (Age 62 years)
Death May 31, 1932 (Age 65 years)