Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Basilia MESAAge: 71 years18411913

Maria Basilia MESA
Birth June 14, 1841 24 19
Marriage of parentsSantos MESAMaria Luisa RODELOView this family
August 19, 1849 (Age 8 years)
MarriageMiguel DIAZ y GOMEZView this family
February 26, 1859 (Age 17 years)
Baptism of a sonJose Herculano Severo GÓMEZ
November 8, 1859 (Age 18 years)
Baptism of a daughterMarcelina GÓMEZ
June 14, 1861 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Juana de Jesus GÓMEZ
May 6, 1863 (Age 21 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Juana de Jesus GÓMEZ
May 9, 1863 (Age 21 years)
Death of a motherMaria Luisa RODELO
July 29, 1865 (Age 24 years)
Baptism of a sonJoaquin GÓMEZ
September 12, 1865 (Age 24 years)
Death of a husbandMiguel DIAZ y GOMEZ
July 19, 1867 (Age 26 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Lucrecia MESA
November 3, 1872 (Age 31 years)
Death of a daughterMaria Lucrecia MESA
July 21, 1875 (Age 34 years)

Marriage of a childJose Herculano Severo GÓMEZMaria Nieves GUADIANAView this family
August 5, 1879 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherSantos MESA
June 30, 1885 (Age 44 years)
Death of a sonJoaquin GÓMEZ
November 30, 1900 (Age 59 years)
Death June 8, 1913 (Age 71 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 19, 1849El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
-8 years
Family with Miguel DIAZ y GOMEZ - View this family
Marriage: February 26, 1859Durango, Durango, Mexico
8 months
4 years
-23 months
Marcelina GÓMEZ
Baptism: June 14, 1861 20 20El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
4 years
Joaquin GÓMEZ
Baptism: September 12, 1865 24 24El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
Death: November 30, 1900Durango, Durango, Mexico
7 years
Maria Lucrecia MESA
Baptism: November 3, 1872 31 31El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
Death: July 21, 1875Durango, Durango, Mexico


Maria Bacilia Rodelo from Mexico Baptisms on familysearch.org

Name: Maria Bacilia Rodelo Christening Date: 17 Jun 1841 Christening Place: SAN JUAN BAUTISTA DE ANALCO,VICTORIA DE DURANGO,DURANGO,MEXICO Birth Date: 14 Jun 1841 Mother's Name: Luisa Rodelo

No mention of father.

Citation: GS Film number 654771

"México, Durango, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1604-1985," database with images, FamilySearch Durango > San Juan Bautista de Analco > Bautismos 1841-1845 > image 39 of 625; parroquias Católicas, Durango (Catholic Church parishes, Durango). Film


Civll Death Record for Basilia Meza [Basilia Gómez] Age: 66 Birth Year: abt 1847 Death Registration Date: 8 jun. 1913 Death Registration Place: Durango, Durango, México (Mexico) Spouse: Miguel Gómez Father: José Santos Gómez Mother: Maria Rodelo Page Number: 19

DeathDeath Record for Basilia Meza, Wife of Miguel GomezDeath Record for Basilia Meza, Wife of Miguel Gomez
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