Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Trinidad CERECEDE

Maria Trinidad CERECEDE
Baptism of a brotherJose SERECERE FIERRO
April 5, 1789
Baptism of a brotherJose Bruno CERESERE FIERRO
October 21, 1791
Birth of a sisterJuana SERECEDE
about 1796
Shared note: According to Juana's marriage record in 1832, she was a widow and her first husband was Francisco Piña.
Birth of a son
Jose Francisco COBOS
September 28, 1808
Shared note: Mexico Baptisms
Birth of a daughter
Maria Petra Antonia del Rayo COBOS
October 19, 1812
Baptism of a sonJose Joaquin Eufemio COBOS CERECEDE
March 27, 1820
Baptism of a daughterMaria Bernabé del Refugia COBOS CERECEDE
June 1822
Baptism of a daughterMaria Sesaria Trinidad COBOS SERECEDE
February 28, 1825
Death of a fatherDionicio SERECERE
before 1832

Shared note: According to marriage record of daughter Juana in 1832 her parents were dead.
Death of a motherRita FIERRO
before 1832

Shared note: According to marriage record of daughter Juana in 1832 her parents were dead.
Family with parents - View this family
5 years
Family with Jose Mariano COBOS - View this family
7 years
2 years
Maria Bernabé del Refugia COBOS CERECEDE
Baptism: June 1822Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: February 3, 1906Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
3 years

Shared note

Named in the marriage of their granddaughter Trinidad in 1865.

Media objectBaptism Record For Felipa Ribas in 1834, JiménezBaptism Record For Felipa Ribas in 1834, Jiménez
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Image dimensions: 1,392 × 1,246 pixels
File size: 204 KB
Media objectNazario Guillen and Trinidad Ribas Marriage Pg 2Nazario Guillen and Trinidad Ribas Marriage Pg 2
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Image dimensions: 1,470 × 1,963 pixels
File size: 347 KB
Media objectBaptism of Maria Trinidad Cobos Serecede in 1825Baptism of Maria Trinidad Cobos Serecede in 1825
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Image dimensions: 1,278 × 861 pixels
File size: 390 KB