Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Juan Jose RODELOAge: 50 years17771827

Juan Jose RODELO
Shared note: Juan Jose was a mulato slave, illegitimate son of Gertrudis Soto.
Birth about 1777
Shared note: From his marriage & burial records.
MarriageBernarda CASTAÑEDAView this family
January 10, 1797 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria del Rosario RODELO
1799 (Age 22 years)
Shared note: Estimated birth date from marriage.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Josefa RODELO
October 20, 1800 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
Jose Francisco RODELO
1802 (Age 25 years)
Shared note: Baptized at church in Palmitos.
Baptism of a sonJose Francisco RODELO
October 11, 1802 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Edubige RODELO
1803 (Age 26 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Edubige RODELO
October 23, 1803 (Age 26 years)
Death of a daughterMaria Josefa RODELO
about 1804 (Age 27 years)

Shared note: Maria Josefa must have died by 1805 since Juan and Bernarda named another daughter Maria Josefa in 1805.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Josefa RODELO CASTAÑEDA
November 30, 1805 (Age 28 years)
Baptism of a daughterJosefa RODELO
November 30, 1806 (Age 29 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria de los Dolores RODELO
April 7, 1808 (Age 31 years)
Baptism of a sonJose Monico RODELO
May 4, 1810 (Age 33 years)
Marriage of a childJose Domingo GUZMAN PEREZMaria del Rosario RODELOView this family
June 12, 1813 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childBartolo RODELOFrancisca MARTINEZView this family
February 27, 1816 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childJose Ygnacio RODELOMaria Romoulda AMAYAView this family
January 9, 1817 (Age 40 years)
Death 1827 (Age 50 years)
Burial January 10, 1827 (Age 50 years)
Shared note: 50 years old, left wife Bernarda and 6 children.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Bernarda CASTAÑEDA - View this family
Marriage: January 10, 1797San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico
Maria Josefa RODELO
Baptism: October 20, 1800 23San Isidro, Rodeo Pueblo, Durango, Mexico
Death: about 1804
2 years
2 years
3 years
1 year
16 months
2 years
-10 years


From his marriage & burial records.


This is very likely the marriage of Bernarda Castaneda, mother of Bartolo Rodelo. The record states that the groom was Juan Jose Sesario Soto, not Juan Jose Rodelo, but people used different surnames in that era. No father of Juan Jose is mentioned but his mother was named Gertrudis Soto. All information is consistent with this being the correct marriage record including Bernarda Castaneda was referred to as Bernarda Villa in one of her children's baptisms and the mother of this Bernarda was named Maria Mariana Villa. In both cases she was stated to be "mulata libre". In addition the groom Juan Jose Soto is recorded as a mulato slave and Juan Jose Rodelo was also referred to as a mulato slave in the 1802 baptism record of his son Jose Francisco Rodelo.



Juan Jose was a mulato slave, illegitimate son of Gertrudis Soto.


In church records on ancestry.com:

Coneto de Comonfort, San Miguel Arcángel, Defunciones 1753-1783, 1813-1841, 1783-1815 Fim 1645835.


50 years old, left wife Bernarda and 6 children.

Shared note

Names taken from baptism record of granddaughter Luisa in 1821

MarriageMarriage of Bernarda Castañeda Villa in 1797, Coneto de Comonfort, DurangoMarriage of Bernarda Castañeda Villa in 1797, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango
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Media object1821 Baptism of Luisa Rodelo Names Her Parents and Grandparents1821 Baptism of Luisa Rodelo Names Her Parents and Grandparents
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