Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Lucrecia MESAAge: 2 years18721875

Maria Lucrecia MESA
Baptism November 3, 1872
Death July 21, 1875 (Age 2 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 26, 1859Durango, Durango, Mexico
8 months
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
-23 months
elder sister
Marcelina GÓMEZ
Baptism: June 14, 1861 20 20El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
4 years
elder brother
Joaquin GÓMEZ
Baptism: September 12, 1865 24 24El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
Death: November 30, 1900Durango, Durango, Mexico
7 years
Maria Lucrecia MESA
Baptism: November 3, 1872 31 31El Sagrario Metropolitano, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico
Death: July 21, 1875Durango, Durango, Mexico


Mexico Baptisms ForMaria Lucrecia Mesa Gender Female Christening Date 03 Nov 1872 Christening Place EL SAGRARIO METROPOLITANO,VICTORIA DE DURANGO,DURANGO,MEXICO Mother's Name Basilia Mesa


Durango, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths For Maria Lucrecia Mesa Gender: Mujer (Female) Age: 2 Birth Year: abt 1873 Death Registration Date: 21 jul. 1875 Death Registration Place: Durango, Durango, México (Mexico) Father: Miguel Gomez Mother: Maria Basilia Mesa Page Number: 27

One witness to the death was Santos Mesa, Basilis's father, who was declared to be "55 years old, widower, baker" .

BaptismBaptism Record For Lucrecia Mesa, Born After Miguel Gomez DiedBaptism Record For Lucrecia Mesa, Born After Miguel Gomez Died
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DeathMaria Lucretia Mesa Death Record, Page 1Maria Lucretia Mesa Death Record, Page 1
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DeathDeath Record For Lucretia Mesa, Page 2Death Record For Lucretia Mesa, Page 2
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