Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Petra DIAZ GOMEZAge: 1 day18371837

Maria Petra DIAZ GOMEZ
Baptism January 18, 1837
Burial January 19, 1837 (Age 1 day)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 9, 1833San Fermin De Panuco, Francisco Madero, Durango, Mexico
8 years
younger brother
-4 years
Maria Petra DIAZ GOMEZ
Baptism: January 18, 1837 27 23San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico
Burial: January 19, 1837San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico
younger brother
Antonio DIAZ
Birth: 1846 36 32
Burial: August 7, 1847Sagrario Metropolitano, Durango, Durango, Mexico


Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For MA Petra Dias

Record Type: bautismo (Baptism) Birth Date: 13 Baptism Date: 18 ene. 1837 (18 Jan 1837) Baptism Place: San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico Father: Anacleto Dias Mother: MA Esmenegilda Gomez

Grandparents: Leandro Diaz & Maria Josefa Cruz (not Gonzales here ) and Jose Maria Gomez & Petra Diaz


Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 Name: Maria Petra Dias Gender: Mujer (Female) Record Type: entierro (Burial) Death Date: abt 1837 Burial Date: 19 ene. 1837 (19 Jan 1837) Burial Place: San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico Father: Anacleto Dias Mother: Hermenegilda Gomez Spouse: Maria Petra Dias