Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Josefa de la Cruz DOMINGUEZ SUBIA1816

Maria Josefa de la Cruz DOMINGUEZ SUBIA
Baptism May 15, 1816
Birth of a sisterLeonarda DOMINGUEZ
about 1818 (Age 19 months)
Shared note: She was 80 years old at time of her death.
Baptism of a brotherJosé María Nicomedis Cornelio DOMINGUEZ SUBIA
September 16, 1824 (Age 8 years)
Death of a sisterLeonarda DOMINGUEZ
April 7, 1898 (Age 81 years)
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
10 years
3 years
younger sister
7 years
younger brother


Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Ma. Josefa De La Crus Ysidra Domingz. Suvia

Christening Date: 15 May 1816 Christening Place: SANTO CRISTO DE BURGOS,JIMENEZ,CHIHUAHUA,MEXICO Birth Date: 03 May 1816 Father's Name: Rafl. Domingz. Mother's Name: Ma. Angela Suvia