Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Cayetano GUILLENAge: 64 years17001764

Cayetano GUILLEN
Birth about 1700
Shared note: Cayetano Guillen's bio, taken from 1723/24 military records, stated he was 23 years old, native of San Miguel.
Military 1721 (Age 21 years)
Shared note: Cayetano Guillen was a trooper from the Presidio de Pasaje which was part of the response to the Indian attacks in Monclova Coahuila in 1721.
Military 1723 (Age 23 years)
Military 1723 (Age 23 years)
Shared note: Fondos de Parral: AHMPFCC10002041 Milicia y guerra Padrones de milicia Presidios varios 15/08/1723 Muestra de los soldados de los Presidios de San Miguel del Cerro Gordo, Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepción del Pasaje de Cuencamé, San Pedro del Gallo, San Felipe y Santiago de Janos.

Military 1724 (Age 24 years)
Shared note: Address: google maps: 24.928747, -103.804592

Birth of a son
about 1730 (Age 30 years)
Shared note: Birth year estimated. Place is found in his marriage record of 1764.
Birth of a son
Francisco GUILLEN
about 1740 (Age 40 years)
Shared note: A guess. Based on birth date of his brother Manuel and on his marriage date.
Death before 1764 (Age 64 years)

Shared note: According to marriage record of his son Manuel in 1764, Calletano was deceased.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Maria de MEDRANO - View this family
-9 years


Cayetano Guillen's bio, taken from 1723/24 military records, stated he was 23 years old, native of San Miguel.


Cayetano Guillen was a trooper from the Presidio de Pasaje which was part of the response to the Indian attacks in Monclova Coahuila in 1721.


Cayetano Guillen was a cavalry man in the frontier of Nueva Vizcaya. In 1722 and 1723 his name is listed as a horse soldier in the Presidio de la Limpia Concepcion del Pasaje in Nueva Vizcaya.

Also, in the marriage record of his son Manuel in 1764 it was stated that Cayetano and Manuel were native to Pasaje.

AHMPFCC01002023 Milicia y guerra Administración de milicia Presidio de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje. 25/02/1723 Autos de visita realizada al real Presidio de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepción del Pasaje, hechos por el capitán Gregorio Álvarez Tuñón y Quiroz, visitador general de los presidios.

Soldier #19 "Cayetano Guillen with all arms offensive & defensive and eight horses"


Fondos de Parral: AHMPFCC10002041 Milicia y guerra Padrones de milicia Presidios varios 15/08/1723 Muestra de los soldados de los Presidios de San Miguel del Cerro Gordo, Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepción del Pasaje de Cuencamé, San Pedro del Gallo, San Felipe y Santiago de Janos.


Address: google maps: 24.928747, -103.804592


According to marriage record of his son Manuel in 1764, Calletano was deceased.

Shared note

Españoles, according to marriage record of their son Francisco in 1770.

BirthCayetano Guillen Bio From Muster of 1723/24, Presidio de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia ConcepcionCayetano Guillen Bio From Muster of 1723/24, Presidio de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepcion
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_MILISoldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in CoahuilaSoldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in Coahuila
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_MILI1823 List of Cavalrymen at Presidio de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje1823 List of Cavalrymen at Presidio de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje
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_MILICayetano Guillen In Muster From 1723Cayetano Guillen In Muster From 1723
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_MILISame File Had 1724 Muster With Cayetano Guillen On RosterSame File Had 1724 Muster With Cayetano Guillen On Roster
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_MILICayetano Guillen Bio From Muster of 1723/24, Presidio de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia ConcepcionCayetano Guillen Bio From Muster of 1723/24, Presidio de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepcion
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_MILICayetano Guillen Listed as Soldier in 1724 Visitation By Governor LopezCayetano Guillen Listed as Soldier in 1724 Visitation By Governor Lopez
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_MILIMap of the Presidio at Pasaje Where Cayetano Guillen Was a CavalrymanMap of the Presidio at Pasaje Where Cayetano Guillen Was a Cavalryman
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