Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Diego CANO de los RIOSAge: 58 years16281687

Diego CANO de los RIOS
Baptism July 29, 1628
Birth of a daughter
Josefa CANO de los RIOS
about 1650 (Age 21 years)

Shared note: Was a widow mentioned in account of indian attack in 1669.
Birth of a daughter
Antonia CANO de los RIOS
about 1654 (Age 25 years)

MarriageFrancisca SAENZ y GARFIASView this family
about 1660 (Age 31 years)

Baptism of a sonBlas CANO de los RIOS
February 28, 1661 (Age 32 years)
Baptism of a sonDiego CANO GARCIAS
November 8, 1662 (Age 34 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria CANO GARCIAS
December 6, 1667 (Age 39 years)
Death of a daughterAntonia CANO de los RIOS
1669 (Age 40 years)
Baptism of a daughterJuana CANO GARCIAS
July 30, 1669 (Age 41 years)
Baptism of a sonMiguel CANO de los RIOS
October 30, 1671 (Age 43 years)
Death of a brotherPedro CANO de los RIOS
May 19, 1675 (Age 46 years)
Baptism of a sonGeronimo Antonio CANO de los RIOS
May 17, 1676 (Age 47 years)
Land Grant From King of Spain
1678 (Age 49 years)

Labor de Dolores
about 1680 (Age 51 years)
Shared note: Today is known as Labor de Terrazas
Hacienda de San Geronimo
about 1685 (Age 56 years)
Shared note: Miguel Cano held the Hacienda San Geronimo in 1696 as part of his father Diego Cano's estate.

LawsuitFrancisca SAENZ y GARFIASView this family
1686 (Age 57 years)
Burial May 11, 1687 (Age 58 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: Mexico
-16 months
elder brother
Pedro CANO de los RIOS
Baptism: March 21, 1627San Gabriel Arcángel, Tacuba, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Death: May 19, 1675San Diego de Minas, Chihuahua, Mexico
Family with Francisca SAENZ y GARFIAS - View this family
Marriage: about 1660
-9 years
5 years
Antonia CANO de los RIOS
Birth: about 1654 25
Death: 1669Rancho de BuenaVista near Puesto de Torreon Chihuahua
7 years
Blas CANO de los RIOS
Baptism: February 28, 1661 32San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: October 1711San Francisco de Cuellar, near Parral
20 months
5 years
20 months
5 years


Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Diego Cano Christening Date: 29 Jul 1628 Christening Place: El Sagrario, Toluca de Lerdo, México, Mexico Father's Name: Francisco Cano Mother's Name: Juana De Lauera [de la Vera]


According to the historical book "Del Chihuahua Colonial" a good portion of the modern city of Chihuahua sits on land that was granted to Diego Cano de los Rios in 1678. In particular the barrio(city) known as Nombre de Dios was part of the land Diego Cano owned and passed on to his son Blas Cano who eventually sold it to Don Ildefonso de Irogoyen on Feb 10, 1708.

Blas Cano became one of the first government officials of the new city of Chihuahua until he was killed by two Valenzuela brothers.

From the book Del Chihuahua Colonial:

pg 57, translated "...the former city Real de San Francisco de Cuellar, and thereafter, the Village of San Felipe el Real de Chihuahua, was founded on lands granted by the Royal Spanish Crown to Don Diego Cano de los Rios on June 20, 1678. ... on 29 Feb 1679 it was entered into the records that a mission, Nombre de Dios, would be set up on the lands..."


Today is known as Labor de Terrazas


Miguel Cano held the Hacienda San Geronimo in 1696 as part of his father Diego Cano's estate.

Shared note

Named in baptism of Miguel Cano de los Rios.

BaptismBaptism record of Diego Cano y de la Vera, 1628Baptism record of Diego Cano y de la Vera, 1628
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PropertyLands Owned By Don Ildefonso de IrigoyenLands Owned By Don Ildefonso de Irigoyen
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PropertyLands Owned by Don Ildefonso de Irigoyen (Page 2)Lands Owned by Don Ildefonso de Irigoyen (Page 2)
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PropertyPage 3 Describes the Sale of the Land Grant to Don Ildefonso de IrogoyenPage 3 Describes the Sale of the Land Grant to Don Ildefonso de Irogoyen
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PropertyDiego Cano's Hacienda San Geronimo Was Officially Visited in 1691Diego Cano's Hacienda San Geronimo Was Officially Visited in 1691
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PropertyVisita in 1696 to Hacienda San Geronimo, Held by Miguel CanoVisita in 1696 to Hacienda San Geronimo, Held by Miguel Cano
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BurialBurial of Diego Cano de los Rios, 11 May 1687, Valle de Allende, ChihuahuaBurial of Diego Cano de los Rios, 11 May 1687, Valle de Allende, Chihuahua
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