Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Diego de ACOSTA
MarriageMargarita GOMES CALVILLOView this family

Baptism of a sonDiego ACOSTA CALVILLO
June 11, 1684
Baptism of a sonAntonio ACOSTA CALVILLO
February 8, 1686
Baptism of a sonJuan ACOSTA CALVILLO
December 29, 1687
Baptism of a sonBlas Javier ACOSTA CALVILLO
March 8, 1690
Baptism of a daughterMaria Francisca de ACOSTA CALVILLO
November 25, 1691
Burial of a sonDiego ACOSTA CALVILLO
December 1692
Shared note: Burial record says he was 9.
Marriage of a childMiguel CANO de los RIOSAngela de ACOSTAView this family
September 29, 1697
Baptism of a sonDiego Gregorio ACOSTA CALVILLO
March 22, 1699
Residence 1707
Burial March 27, 1730