Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria de Jesus Cayetana CANO1817

Maria de Jesus Cayetana CANO
Baptism August 7, 1817
Burial of a motherRamona CASTAÑEDA
August 23, 1821 (Age 4 years)
Marriage of a parentFrancisco Borjas CANOMaria Dolores DominguezView this family
November 25, 1822 (Age 5 years)
Death of a sisterMaria Josefa CANO
March 23, 1873 (Age 55 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 19, 1801Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
12 years
elder sister
elder sister
23 months
elder sister
14 years
Father’s family with Maria Dolores Dominguez - View this family
Marriage: November 25, 1822Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico


Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For MA de Jesus Cayetana [María de Jesus Cayetana Cano Cartañeda] Gender: Mujer (Female) Record Type: bautismo (Baptism) Birth Date: 20 jul. 1817 Baptism Date: 7 ago. 1817 (7 Aug 1817) Baptism Place: Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico Father: Franco Borjas Cano Mother: Ramona Cartañeda Page Number: 225

BaptismBaptism of Maria Cayetana Cano, Daughter of Borjas, 1817Baptism of Maria Cayetana Cano, Daughter of Borjas, 1817
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