Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Bartolome SAENS de CHAVESAge: 64 years16271691

Bartolome SAENS de CHAVES
Birth about 1627
Death of a paternal grandfatherCapitán Pedro SAENZ de CHAVEZ
about 1633 (Age 6 years)
Shared note: There is a document from 1633 in which María Rodríguez referred to herself as "muger legitima que fue de Pedro Saez de Chaves, difunto" ("legitimate wife of Pedro Sáez de Cháves, deceased") [AHP, Roll 1633A, fr. 634]. She referenced the last will and testament of her husband, indicating he was dead by 1633.
Burial of a motherCecilia de CEBREROS
March 5, 1651 (Age 24 years)
Shared note: Described as a poor woman, wife of Antonio Saes
Baptism of a sonBartolome SAENS de CHAVES
October 31, 1655 (Age 28 years)
Baptism of a daughterAntonia SAENS SAPIEN
June 13, 1666 (Age 39 years)
Death November 26, 1691 (Age 64 years)
Shared note: From familysearch:
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Juana SAPIEN - View this family
11 years


From familysearch:

Name: Bart.me Saenz de Chavez Death: 26 November 1691, Valle de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico Identified as spouse of Juana Sapien Parents are identified as Cap. Antto Saenz and Cecilia de Cebbrero

DeathBurial of Capitán Bartolome Saens de Chavez, 1691, Valle de AllendeBurial of Capitán Bartolome Saens de Chavez, 1691, Valle de Allende
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