Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas


Baptism June 13, 1875
Birth of a brotherMelquiades GUILLEN
November 23, 1887 (Age 12 years)
Baptism of a brotherMelquiades GUILLEN
December 10, 1887 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherNazario GUILLEN
about 1890 (Age 14 years)

Death of a brotherNazario GUILLEN
September 10, 1890 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a sisterMaria Paz GUILLEN
January 12, 1892 (Age 16 years)
Shared note: MA Paz Guillen
Death of a fatherNazario GUILLEN
March 3, 1904 (Age 28 years)
Death of a motherMaria Trinidad RIBAS
December 22, 1928 (Age 53 years)
Death of a sisterMaria Asuncion GUILLEN
May 31, 1932 (Age 56 years)
Death of a brotherMartiniano GUILLEN
April 15, 1944 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherMelquiades GUILLEN
October 2, 1982 (Age 107 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 30, 1865Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico
11 months
elder sister
8 years
elder brother
-2 years
elder brother
2 months
elder brother
Jose Jesus GUILLEN
Baptism: March 5, 1871 22Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: June 20, 1873Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico
4 years
16 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger brother
Melquiades GUILLEN
Birth: November 23, 1887 38Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: October 2, 1982San Bernardino, California
4 years
younger sister


Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Josefa Rivas Gender: Mujer (Female) Record Type: bautismo (Baptism) Birth Date: 6 mar. 1875 Baptism Date: 13 jun. 1875 Baptism Place: Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico Father: Narasio Guilles [Guillen] Mother: Trinidad Ribas Page Number: 50 Entry Number: 256