Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Margarita CARDENAS

Maria Margarita CARDENAS
MarriageLorenzo ORELLANAView this family

Death of a husbandLorenzo ORELLANA
October 27, 1784
MarriageJuan Maria VALVERDEView this family
August 24, 1788
Baptism of a sonLucas VALVERDE
October 16, 1789
Marriage of a childLucas VALVERDEMaria Magdalena ORTIZ HERNANDEZView this family
August 23, 1806
MarriageMarriage of Juan Valverde & Margarita Cardenas, 1788, ChihuahuaMarriage of Juan Valverde & Margarita Cardenas, 1788, Chihuahua
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