Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas


Immigration 1568

Birth of a son

Shared note: @N34@
Marriage of a childTomé DOMINGUEZ GONZALEZElena Cruz RAMIREZ de MENDOZAView this family
August 29, 1616

These 2 records from the archives in Spain are likely the dates Tomé received permission to go to Nueva España. The assumption is that he didn't go on the earlier date but did on the later,

Real Cédula a los oficiales de la Casa de la Contratación dando licencia a Tomé Domínguez para pasar a Nueva España. (Extracto)

Archivo General de Indias

Date of creation: 18 Dec 1566 Reference Code: ES.41091.AGI/23//INDIFERENTE,1967,L.16,F.135R

Date of creation: 18 July 1568 Reference Code: ES.41091.AGI/23//INDIFERENTE,1967,L.16,F.382V

Immigration1566 (Partial) Record From Seville Archives - Tomé Dominguez Permission to Go To Nueva España1566 (Partial) Record From Seville Archives - Tomé Dominguez Permission to Go To Nueva España
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Image dimensions: 1,560 × 1,170 pixels
File size: 470 KB
ImmigrationFirst Page of 1568 Entry For Tome Dominguez Immigration to Nueva EspañaFirst Page of 1568 Entry For Tome Dominguez Immigration to Nueva España
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Image dimensions: 844 × 1,224 pixels
File size: 301 KB
Immigration2nd Page of 1568 Record From Seville Archives - Tomé Dominguez Permission to Go To Nueva España2nd Page of 1568 Record From Seville Archives - Tomé Dominguez Permission to Go To Nueva España
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Image dimensions: 1,500 × 1,141 pixels
File size: 821 KB