Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Maria Mathiana de los Dolores RIBAS1738

Maria Mathiana de los Dolores RIBAS
Baptism October 26, 1738
Shared note: From Baptism record in church archives.
Burial of a maternal grandmotherCatharina ENRRIQUES
December 8, 1738 (Age 43 days)
Baptism of a sisterAntonia Paulina Florentina RIBAS
July 1, 1741 (Age 2 years)
Baptism of a brotherJuan de Dios RIBAS
October 1, 1743 (Age 4 years)
Burial of a maternal grandfatherSimon PEREZ GRANILLO II
April 1, 1744 (Age 5 years)
Baptism of a brotherJuan Baptista de la Luz RIBAS
January 11, 1746 (Age 7 years)
Baptism of a brotherJoseph Dolores RIBAS GRANILLO
October 10, 1749 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterMaria Gertrudis de la RIBAS
about 1752 (Age 13 years)

Burial of a fatherJuan Jose RIBAS
December 6, 1781 (Age 43 years)
Burial of a motherRosalia Guillema GRANILLO
July 26, 1787 (Age 48 years)
Family with parents - View this family
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
younger brother
3 years
younger sister


From Baptism record in church archives.