Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Francisco Antonio ENRRIQUEZ1707

Francisco Antonio ENRRIQUEZ
Baptism September 10, 1707
Baptism of a brotherIldefonso ENRRIQUEZ SAENS
February 9, 1709 (Age 16 months)
Birth of a brotherHipolito ENRRIQUEZ SAENS
September 10, 1710 (Age 3 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMaria DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA
after 1721 (Age 13 years)

Shared note: Maria was alive at the time of her son Lucas' marriage in 171.
Family with parents - View this family
younger brother
-17 months
-7 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
7 years
younger brother

BaptismBaptism of Franicsco, Son of Nicolas Enrriquez, Grandson of Maria Dominguez de MendosaBaptism of Franicsco, Son of Nicolas Enrriquez, Grandson of Maria Dominguez de Mendosa
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