Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Juan de Dios DIAS1676

Juan de Dios DIAS
Baptism September 7, 1676
Burial of a fatherNicolas DIAS
April 3, 1678 (Age 18 months)
MarriageLuisa SAENSView this family
April 13, 1700 (Age 23 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Francisca DIAS
April 7, 1705 (Age 28 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Barbara DIAS SAENS
June 4, 1711 (Age 34 years)
Baptism of a sonFranco Xavier Basilio DIAS SAENS
June 2, 1713 (Age 36 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Gertrudis DIAS SAENS
June 24, 1716 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childJoaquin RONQUILLOMaria Gertrudis DIAS SAENSView this family
October 20, 1745 (Age 69 years)
Death of a daughterMaria Francisca DIAS
June 27, 1780 (Age 103 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 16, 1662Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico
14 years
-6 years
elder sister
Maria DIAS
Baptism: July 28, 1670Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico
-7 years
elder sister
Juana DIAS
Baptism: May 8, 1663Santiago Papasquiaro, Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico
6 years
elder brother
-15 months
elder brother
-2 years
elder brother
10 years
elder brother
Family with Luisa SAENS - View this family
Marriage: April 13, 1700San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
13 years
-2 years
5 years
-11 years


Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Jn. Dias Nevares Gender: Male Christening Date: 07 Sep 1676 Christening Place: SANTIAGO PAPASQUIARO,SANTIAGO PAPASQUIARO,DURANGO,MEXICO Father's Name: Nicolas Dias Mother's Name: Ana De Nevares

Baptism1676 Baptism of Juan Dias in Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango1676 Baptism of Juan Dias in Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango
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MarriageMarriage of Juan Dias and Luisa Saens in Allende, 1700Marriage of Juan Dias and Luisa Saens in Allende, 1700
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