Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Francisco Ygnacio COBOS

Francisco Ygnacio COBOS
Baptism of a brotherRufino Antonio COBOS
August 8, 1746
Baptism of a sisterIgnacia Rosalia de Carmen COBOS ACOSTA
September 13, 1748
Baptism of a brotherNicolas COBOS ACOSTA
September 19, 1753
Baptism of a brotherLuziano Ygnacio COBOS ACOSTA
June 8, 1759
Baptism of a brotherYgnacio Casimiro Luciano COBOS ACOSTA
March 4, 1761
MarriageJuana Paula MONZONView this family
November 4, 1772
Baptism of a sonJoseph Ygnacio COBOS MONZON
May 1, 1773
Census 1777
Burial of a motherAntonia ACOSTA
April 1785
Family with parents - View this family
2 years
13 years
-7 years
Baptism: September 19, 1753 38 33Valle de San Bartolome, Chihuahua, Nueva Vizcaya
6 years
Family with Juana Paula MONZON - View this family
Marriage: November 4, 1772Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Matias DIAZ + Juana Paula MONZON - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: 1765Santo Cristo de Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico


Padron de Jimenez, Chihuahua-1777 Santo Cristo de Burgos Archivo General de Indias, AGI – Indiferente, 1526 Syl Fernandez-Magdaleno & Alizé Juarez, 2016

Casa de Francisco Covos Español Casado 25 Susana Monzona, su esposa Española Casada 26 (This is probably Juana Monzon, wife of Francisco Cobos.)

Shared note

Francisco Covos was named in the baptism record of his granddaughter Maria Trinidad Covos Serecede in 1825. The name given for his wife was Paula Melendez, probably incorrect.

The baptism record of granddaughter Maria Bernabé states her grandparents were Francisco Covos and Juana Monson.

"In 1772, Francisco Ygnacio Cobos (“espanol natural” and “vecino”), the son of Ygnacio Cobos and Antonia Acosta, married Paula Monzon, the adopted daughter of Don Manuel Joseph Monzon. Don Manual Joseph Monzon, who had died a year earlier, was one of the original vecinos of Guajoquilla, and was described in 1753 as being a 56-year-old gunsmith from Mexico City. (FHL 162514, p. 149; Almada at p. 15.) Francisco Ygnacio and Paula Monzon had at least one child, Joseph Ygnacio (FHL 162499)... "

From internet site: —linealist New Mexican History and Archive Projects August 1, 2013 "The Cobos and Their Descendants – From Nueva Viscaya to New Mexico"

MarriageMarriage of Francisco Ygnacio Cobos and Paula Monzon, 1772, JimenezMarriage of Francisco Ygnacio Cobos and Paula Monzon, 1772, Jimenez
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Media objectBaptism of Maria Trinidad Cobos Serecede in 1825Baptism of Maria Trinidad Cobos Serecede in 1825
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