Gómez & Rosales Family of El Paso, Texas

Joseph Manuel GUTIERRES
Shared note: Español
Baptism of a brotherPedro Antonio Francisco Xavier Ygnacio GUTIERRES y GOMES
May 7, 1728
Baptism of a brotherJoseph Eligio GUTIERRES y GOMES
December 21, 1732
MarriageMaria Josefa del Carmen VILLEGASView this family
December 10, 1758
Baptism of a daughterMaria Josepha Guadalupe GUTIERRES VILLEGAS
December 23, 1759
Birth of a daughter
Maria Ignacia Antonia GUTIERRES
Baptism of a daughterMaria Ignacia Antonia GUTIERRES
February 6, 1767
Baptism of a daughterMaria Gertrudis Eugenia GUTIERRES VILLEGAS
Baptism of a sonJosef Lucas Crisanto GUTIERRES
October 25, 1773
Baptism of a daughterUnknown GUTIERRES VILLEGAS
April 22, 1777
Marriage of a childMiguel DOMINGUEZMaria Josepha Guadalupe GUTIERRES VILLEGASView this family
November 26, 1778