Estanislado ROSALESAge: 43 years1808–1851
- Name
- Estanislado ROSALES
- Given names
- Estanislado
- Surname
- Also known as
- Cruz Rosales
- Also known as
- Estanislado Hernandez
- Also known as
- Estanislado Orona
![]() | about 1808 |
![]() | Jose de los Santos ORONA November 6, 1812 (Age 4 years) |
![]() | Maria Teodora GUEVARA — View this family June 1826 (Age 18 years) |
![]() | Maria de las Nieves ORONA GUEBARA August 12, 1827 (Age 19 years) |
![]() #1 | Maria del Refugio ROSALES about 1828 (Age 20 years) |
![]() #2 | Jose Guadalupe HERNANDEZ GUEVARA December 16, 1828 (Age 20 years) |
![]() #3 | Maria Ildefonza ROSALES about 1830 (Age 22 years) Note: According to baptism record of children. Labor de Guadalupe was a huge ranch northeast of Ciudad Du… |
![]() | Jose Guadalupe HERNANDEZ GUEVARA December 9, 1831 (Age 23 years) |
![]() | Maria de la Expuctucion HERNANDEZ GUEVARA December 27, 1832 (Age 24 years) |
![]() | before 1851 (Age 43 years) Note: His wife Teodora was a widow when she died in 1851.
Family with parents |
mother |
Maria Joaquina ORONA Birth: Valle de Poanas, Durango, Mexico Death: after 1850 |
himself |
Estanislado ROSALES Birth: about 1808 — Valle de Poanas, Durango, Mexico Death: before 1851 |
5 years younger brother |
Jose de los Santos ORONA Baptism: November 6, 1812 — Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico |
Family with Maria Teodora GUEVARA |
himself |
Estanislado ROSALES Birth: about 1808 — Valle de Poanas, Durango, Mexico Death: before 1851 |
wife |
Maria Teodora GUEVARA Birth: April 1, 1805 — Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Victoria DE Durango, Durango, Mexico Burial: October 21, 1851 — ?Sagrario Metropolitano, Durango, Durango, Mexico? |
Marriage: June 1826 — San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico |
14 months daughter |
Maria de las Nieves ORONA GUEBARA Baptism: August 12, 1827 19 22 — San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico |
17 months daughter |
Maria del Refugio ROSALES Birth: about 1828 20 22 — La Labor de Guadalupe, Durango, Mexico |
11 months son |
Jose Guadalupe HERNANDEZ GUEVARA Birth: December 16, 1828 20 23 Burial: December 9, 1831 — San Juan Bautista de Analco, Durango, Durango, Mexico |
4 years daughter |
Maria de la Expuctucion HERNANDEZ GUEVARA Baptism: December 27, 1832 24 27 — Santa Ana y la Sagrada Familia, Durango, Durango, Mexico |
-2 years daughter |
Birth: about 1830 22 24 — Labor de Guadalupe, Municipio Durango, Durango, Mexico Death: 1889 |
Birth | From his marriage record. Estanislado was originally from Poanas but was raised in Hacienda del Chorro, Durango, Mexico. Hacienda del Chorro was next to Labor de Guadalupe, Northeast of Ciudad Durango. Ildefonza said she was from Labor de Guadalupe in Durango. |
Marriage | Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For MA. Teodora Guevara Record Type: compromiso matrimonia Marriage Engagement Date: 28 jun. 1826 Marriage Engagement Place: San Fermín, Francisco I Madero, Durango, Mexico Father: Miguel Guevara Mother: Maria de la Concepcion Benites Spouse: Estanislao Orona Page Number: 63 Paternal Parent: Joaquina Orona (No father mentioned) Maternal Parents: Miguel Guevara & Maria de la Concepcion Benites Cruz Rosales and Teodora Guevara were named in their daughter Maria Ildefonza Rosales' marriage record and their names were given as Estanislado Rosales and Teodora Gevara in Ildefonsa's daughter Hilaria's baptism of 1855. |
Name | In all Chihuahua records his name was given as Estanislado Rosales or Cruz Rosales. The 1879 marriage record of his daughter Ildefonsa stated her grandparents were Antonio Ernandez & Joaquina N. In the Durango records Estanislado was known as Estanislao Orona in his marriage record, then Hernandez, and then, in a 1842 marriage record of his daughter Maria del Refugio, as Estanislado Rosales. Since he was born out of wedlock and he later took the surname Rosales, not Hernandez, it is likely his father was not Antonio Hernandez. |
Death | His wife Teodora was a widow when she died in 1851. |
Shared note | Merced Rosales Marriage Entry Has Parents and Grandparents REGISTRATION OR MARRIAGE DATE: 24 Ene 1874 REGISTRATION OR MARRIAGE PLACE: Jiménez, Chihuahua, México PAGE NUMBER: 48 Merced Rosales 23 groom Maria Eduviges Garcia bride Other Names Felipe Garcia - bride's father Felipe's father - Julian Garcia Felipe's mother - Maria Valentina Arias Maria Concepcion Soto - bride's mother Ms Soto's mother - Maria Trinidad Soto Maria Ildefonza Rosales - groom's mother Cruz Rosales - Maria Ildefonza Rosales' father Maria Teodora Nevares - Maria Ildefonza Rosales' mother |
Shared note | Explanation for Pedigree of Merced Rosales Merced Rosales mother was known to be Yldefonza Rosales. Yldefonza had several children out of wedlock in the 1850s. Yldefonza was living in Lopez near Jiménez Chihuahua and her children were baptized in the parish there. Merced was baptized there in Sept 27, 1851 but no mention was made of his father or Yldefonza's parents. The record for Merced's marriage, many years later, stated her parents were Cruz Rosales and Teodora Nevares. A second child, Maria Hilaria Eulalia Rosales was born in 1855; her baptism record states that she was illegitimate and her maternal grandparents were Estanislado Rosales and Teodora Gebara. Another of Yldefonza's children - Guadalupe Rosales Flores - was born in 1862 and baptized in 1863. Guadalupe's baptism record states that Yldefonza's parents were Estanilado Rosales and Teodora Guevara but no reference was made to her other origins. But at the same time, the civil birth record for Guadalupe stated that Yldefonza "es de la labor de Guadalupe en el Estado de Durango y vecina de este municipalidad (Atotonilco)" Translation: "she is from labor of Guadalupe in Durango and is a resident of this municipality (Atotonilco)". The 1870 baptism record of Ildfonsa's son Innocente states his abuelos were Cruz Rosales and Teodsin? Nevares. The 1860 baptism record of Yldefonza's son Blas Rosales Flores stated that Yldefonza's parents were Estanislas Rosales and Teodora Guevara. Looking in Durango records for Yldefonza, one record was found that seems reasonable for the pair Estanislado Rosales & Teodora Guevara: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For MA del Refugio Rosales Marriage Age: 14 Record Type: matrimonio (Marriage) Birth Date: abt 1828 Marriage Date: 29 may. 1842 Marriage Place: Santa Ana y la Sagrada Familia, Durango, Durango, Mexico Father: Estanislado Rosales Mother: Teodora Guebara Spouse: Tomas Rueda Page Number: 74 The marriage record of a Estanislado Orona with Teodora Guevara in 1826, San Fermin de Pansco, states that Estanislado was "native of the Valle de Poanas, raised in the Hacienda del Chorro, jurisdiction of curado de N.S. de Guadalupe". Their first children were born in the Valle de Poanas region but soon moved into a neighborhood on the outskirts of Ciudad de Durango. The likely mother of this Estanislado Orona was Joaquina Orona who married Antonio Hernandez in 1813. According to their marriage record they were "both free mulatos, the first originally from the Hacienda de Chorros where he lives, legitimate son of Jose Marcos Hernandez and Mariana Ybarra, both deceased, and native to Valle de las Poanas, legitimate daughter of Pedro Orona and Dionicia Ruiz..." |
Marriage | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,022 × 1,282 pixels File size: 333 KB Type: Document |
Marriage | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,010 × 1,506 pixels File size: 246 KB Type: Document |