Note:Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Felipa De Jesus Rivas Cobos
Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Felipa De Jesus Rivas Cobos
Gender: Female
Baptism Age: 0
Birth Date: 24 mar. 1834
Baptism Date: 29 mar. 1834
Baptism Place: Santo Cristo DE Burgos,Jimenez,Chihuahua,Mexico
Father: Juan De Dios Rivas
Mother: Dolores Cobos
The paternal grandmother's name is struck over but either the original or the overstruck name was Angela Duran. Angela Duran was the wife of Juan de Dios Rivas, married in 1795 in Jimenez.
Note:The baptism record for Felipa clearly shows that her maternal grandparents were Mariano Cobos and Trinidad Serecede. The padrinos to the baptism were Francis Cobos and Maria del Rayo Cobos, siblings of the mother Maria Trinidad Cobos.
Note:Mexico Baptisms For Jose Franco. Santiago Rivas Cobos
Mexico Baptisms For Jose Franco. Santiago Rivas Cobos
Christening Date 29 Nov 1835
Christening Place Santo Cristo De Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Birth Date 27 Nov 1835
Birthplace Santo Cristo De Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Father's Name Juan De Stos. Rivas
Mother's Name Dolores Cobos
Name: Ma. De La Lus Rribas Cobos
Gender: Female
Christening Date: 12 Nov 1839
Birth Date: 09 Nov 1839
Father's Name: Juan De Dios Ribas
Mother's Name: Dolores Cobos
Note:Not verified, but this is likely burial record of Barbara.
Not verified, but this is likely burial record of Barbara.
Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For
Barbara Herrero
Mujer (Female)
Death Age 90
Record entierro (Burial)
Birth Date 1750
Burial Date 4 ene. 1840 (4 Jan 1840)
Burial Place San Bartolomé, Valle de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Page number 29
Mexico Baptisms
Name Je. Pomuseno Ribas Cobos
Gender Male
Christening Date 22 Jul 1841
Christening Place Santo Cristo De Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Birth Date 20 Jul 1841
Birthplace Santo Cristo De Burgos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Father's Name Juan De Dios Ribas
Mother's Name Dolores Cobos
Grandparents: Jose Ribas & Barbara Hernandez && Mariano Cobos & Trinidad Fierro
Note:Jose Julian Natividad De La Trinidad Ribas Cobos
Jose Julian Natividad De La Trinidad Ribas Cobos
Gender: Male
Baptism Date: 9 ene. 1850 (9 Jan 1850)
Baptism Place: Santo Cristo DE Burgos,Jimenez,Chihuahua,Mexico
Father: Juan De Dios Ribas
Mother: MA. Dolores Cobos
FHL Film Number: 162501