Jose Augustine RODELOAge: 4 months1830–1831
- Name
- Jose Augustine RODELO
- Given names
- Jose Augustine
- Surname
![]() | September 8, 1830 Jose Agustin Rodelo from Mexico Baptisms Name: Jose Agustin Rodelo Christening Date: 08 Sep 1830 Christening Place: SAN MIGUEL, CONETO DE COMONFORT, DURANGO, MEXICO Father's Name: Bartolo Rodelo Mother's Name: Francisca Martines |
![]() | January 15, 1831 (Age 4 months) MA Agustina Gender: Mujer (Female) Death Age: 5\12 Record Type: entierro (Burial) Burial Date: 15 ene. 1831 (15 Jan 1831) Burial Place: San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico Father: Bartolo Rodelo Mother: Franca Martines |
Family with parents - View this family |
father |
mother |
Marriage: February 27, 1816 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
5 years elder sister |
Maria Luisa RODELO Birth: June 22, 1821 — Guichapa, Rodeo, Durango, Mexico Death: July 29, 1865 — Durango, Durango, Mexico |
2 years elder brother |
Jose Cipriano Dionicio RODELO Baptism: October 9, 1823 — Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico Burial: May 30, 1825 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
-7 years elder brother |
Manuel Antonio RODELO Baptism: December 7, 1816 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
13 months elder brother |
Jose Rafael RODELO Baptism: January 17, 1818 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico Burial: February 22, 1818 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
11 months elder sister |
Maria Facunda RODELO Baptism: December 5, 1818 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
11 years elder sister |
Maria Merceda RODELO Birth: 1829 Burial: November 18, 1829 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
-3 years elder brother |
Jose Prudencio RODELO Baptism: May 25, 1826 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
4 years himself |
Jose Augustine RODELO Baptism: September 8, 1830 — San Miguel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico Burial: January 15, 1831 — San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
14 months younger brother |
Rafael RODELO Birth: November 2, 1831 — Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico |
Baptism | Jose Agustin Rodelo from Mexico Baptisms Name: Jose Agustin Rodelo Christening Date: 08 Sep 1830 Christening Place: SAN MIGUEL, CONETO DE COMONFORT, DURANGO, MEXICO Father's Name: Bartolo Rodelo Mother's Name: Francisca Martines |
Burial | MA Agustina Gender: Mujer (Female) Death Age: 5\12 Record Type: entierro (Burial) Burial Date: 15 ene. 1831 (15 Jan 1831) Burial Place: San Miguel Arcángel, Coneto de Comonfort, Durango, Mexico Father: Bartolo Rodelo Mother: Franca Martines |
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Family with parents | |
Bartolo RODELO
Maria Francisca MARTINEZ
Maria Luisa RODELO
Jose Cipriano Dionicio RODELO
Manuel Antonio RODELO
Jose Rafael RODELO
Maria Facunda RODELO
Maria Merceda RODELO
Jose Prudencio RODELO
Jose Augustine RODELO