Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Francisco GUILLENAge: 37 years17401777

Francisco GUILLEN
Given names
Birth about 1740 40
Note: A guess. Based on birth date of his brother Manuel and on his marriage date.

Note: According to his marriage record of 1770, Francisco was a soldier in the Presidio of Cerro Gordo. B…
Death of a fatherCayetano GUILLEN
1764 (Age 24 years)

Note: According to marriage record of his son Manuel in 1764, Calletano was deceased.
MarriageMaria Leandra ALMASANView this family
December 20, 1770 (Age 30 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Maria De Almazan
Baptism of a sonJoseph Timoteo GUILLEN ALMAZAN
February 2, 1774 (Age 34 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Jph. Thimoteo Guillen Almasan
Birth of a son
1775 (Age 35 years)

Note: Calculated, based on siblings and death of father Francisco.
Death about 1777 (Age 37 years)
Note: In marriage records of San Bartolome,Valle De Allende,Chihuahua,Mexico, Nov 5, 1777 the widow of Fra…
Family with parents - View this family
-9 years
elder brother
Family with Maria Leandra ALMASAN - View this family
Maria Leandra ALMASAN
Baptism: March 19, 1750San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
Burial: October 25, 1824San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Marriage: December 20, 1770San Miguel, Villa Hidalgo, Durango, Mexico
3 years
23 months


A guess. Based on birth date of his brother Manuel and on his marriage date.


According to his marriage record of 1770, Francisco was a soldier in the Presidio of Cerro Gordo. But, according to history books, the Presidios had been closed in the 1750s.

"In the year of 1752, because the region was already considered peaceful, the Count of Revillagigedo ordered the extinction of the presidios del Gallo, Conchos, Mapimi, Cerro Gordo and Valle de San Bartolomé, distributing land to the soldiers, leaving them as towns and neighborhoods."

Some of the Presidios were reopened a few years later.


Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Maria De Almazan Gender: Female Marriage Date: 29 dic. 1770 (29 Dec 1770) Marriage Place: San Miguel, Villa Hidalgo, Durango, Mexico Father: Rufino De Almazan Mother: Isabel Chaves Spouse: Francisco Guiyen FHL Film Number: 1563292 Reference ID: 149


In marriage records of San Bartolome,Valle De Allende,Chihuahua,Mexico, Nov 5, 1777 the widow of Francisco Guillen, Leandra Almasan, was married to Julian Antonio Ogas.

FHL microfilm 162,651, page 665/1253 on familysearch.org.


Assuming marriage record of son Ygnacio iin 1797 is correct.

MarriageMarriage of Francisco Guillen & Maria Almazan, 1770, San Miguel, DurangoMarriage of Francisco Guillen & Maria Almazan, 1770, San Miguel, Durango
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DeathRemarriage of Leandra Almazan in 1777, Valle de Allende, MexicoRemarriage of Leandra Almazan in 1777, Valle de Allende, Mexico
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Image dimensions: 1,270 × 1,306 pixels
File size: 162 KB
Type: Document