Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Felix Augustin de ALMASAN1677

Felix Augustin de ALMASAN
Given names
Felix Augustin
Also known as
Feliz de Almasan
Baptism September 5, 1677
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-195 For Feliz Augustin De Almazan De Vedoya
Birth of a sisterYsabel de ALMASAN
July 21, 1680 (Age 2 years)
MarriageYgnacia de la Encarnacion NUÑESView this family
June 23, 1697 (Age 19 years)
Note: The parents of Felix were mentioned in the marriage record:
Baptism of a daughterMaria Barbara de ALMASAN BARRASA
April 2, 1698 (Age 20 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Maria Barbara Almasan Barrasa
Baptism of a sonJuan ALMASAN NUNES
February 28, 1700 (Age 22 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Juan Almasan Nunes
Baptism of a sonMiguel Feliz de ALMASAN
October 2, 1701 (Age 24 years)
Note: This is probable baptism and is supported by the fact that both Miguel and Feliz de Almasan served i…
Baptism of a sonJoseph Augustine ALMASAN NUNES
September 13, 1703 (Age 26 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Joseph Agustin Almazan Nunez
Baptism of a daughterMargarita ALMASAN NUNES
October 5, 1704 (Age 27 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Margarita Almazan Nunoz
Spanish Ejercito
Type: Cavalry
December 1707 (Age 30 years)
Note: Felix Almasan was a soldier in the Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos for many years. Here he was…
Ejército de España
1714 (Age 36 years)
Note: From Del Colonial Chihuahua, pg 138
Military 1721 (Age 43 years)
Note: Feliz de Almasan was listed as a trooper in the Presidio de Conchos who responded against the Indian attacks in Coahuila in 1721. His son Miguel was not listed in the troopers from the Presidio who responded.
Soldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in Coahuila
Soldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in Coahuila

Note: Three of our ancestors were soldiers in the units that responded to Indian attacks against Santiago …

España Ejercito
March 1723 (Age 45 years)
Note: Miguel and Felix Almasan were horse soldiers serving together imn the presidio at San Francisco de …
Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723
Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723

Note: Felix de Almasan and his son Miguel de Almasan both appear in a muster of cavalry soldiers in the vi…

Death of a sonMiguel Feliz de ALMASAN
before 1768 (Age 90 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 9, 1661Asuncion, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico
14 years
elder sister
2 years
3 years
younger sister
Family with Ygnacia de la Encarnacion NUÑES - View this family
Marriage: June 23, 1697Valle de San Bartolomé, Chihuahua, Mexico
9 months
23 months
Baptism: February 28, 1700 22San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
19 months
23 months
13 months


Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-195 For Feliz Augustin De Almazan De Vedoya Gender: Male Baptism Date: 5 sep. 1677 Baptism Place: Asuncion, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico Father: Thomas De Almazan Mother: Getrudis De Vedoya FHL Film Number: 35174


The parents of Felix were mentioned in the marriage record:

Groom's Father: Thomas de Almasan Groom's Mother: Getrudis de Vedoya

and Felix was said to be natural of Ciudad de Mexico.

Ygnacia's parents were unknown. Ygnacia was a maid in the home of Señora Josepha Nuñez.


Felix Almasan was a soldier in the Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos for many years. Here he was listed as a soldier during a visitation by a high official in 1707, the earliest record found for Felix in the military.

"Felix Almasan with arms and horse"

AHMPFCC01001010 Milicia y guerra Administración de milicia Presidio de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje 13/03/1707 Visita realizada a los presidios de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje, San Pedro del Gallo, San Miguel del Cerro Gordo y San Francisco de Conchos por el gobernador Juan Fernandez de Córdoba, averiguando si son bien administrados.


From Del Colonial Chihuahua, pg 138

So far we have considered our founders and the rich merchants and miners who inhabited the Real de San Francisco de Cuéllar, now it's time to see some of the military squads of the Nueva Vizcaya. The documents from where I will extract the information are originals of the Colonial Archive of Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua. There we see a suit from the officers and soldiers of the Presidio of San Francisco de Conchos, nothing less than against the Superior government of the Viceroy Duke of Linares. In this suit some of the everyday life of the Presidial soldiers of the Nueva Vizcaya is revealed. Its date is July 27 of 1714.

It starts like this:

"Know by this letter how we, on the one hand the Officers and soldiers of this royal Presidio of San Francisco de Conchos: Ensign Antonio Portilli, Sergeant Matías de Zebreros, the squad Corporal Sebastián Ponce and the soldiers Juan del Hierro, Diego Martel, Félix Almazán, Manuel de Hinojos, etc. and of the other part the Cap. Mr Jose de Berasoiain, in charge of this Royal Presidio, say how we have pending lawsuit with the Superior Government of His Excellency Mr. Duque de Linares, Viceroy of this New Spain, on the removals and holds that are made in our salaries because of the cost of taking out ..."

Later on the soldiers are listed. Felix de Almasan had five horses.


Feliz de Almasan was listed as a trooper in the Presidio de Conchos who responded against the Indian attacks in Coahuila in 1721. His son Miguel was not listed in the troopers from the Presidio who responded.


Miguel and Felix Almasan were horse soldiers serving together imn the presidio at San Francisco de Conchos in 1723. One file in the Fondos de Parrall contains two lists with their names on both.

"Felix de Almasan todas armas ofensivas y defensivas, diez caballos."

BaptismBaptism of Felix Almasan, 1677, Distrito Federal, MexicoBaptism of Felix Almasan, 1677, Distrito Federal, Mexico
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Image dimensions: 1,196 × 364 pixels
File size: 96 KB
Type: Document
MarriageMarriage of Felix de Almasan in San Bartolome, 23 Jun 1697Marriage of Felix de Almasan in San Bartolome, 23 Jun 1697
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Image dimensions: 1,454 × 1,285 pixels
File size: 605 KB
Type: Document
MilitaryFelix Almasan Listed as Soldier in Spanish Army, Presidio San Francisco de Conchos, 1707Felix Almasan Listed as Soldier in Spanish Army, Presidio San Francisco de Conchos, 1707
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,603 × 1,183 pixels
File size: 419 KB
Type: Certificate
MilitaryFelix Almasan, Cavalryman in Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos, 1714Felix Almasan, Cavalryman in Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos, 1714
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,455 × 1,167 pixels
File size: 391 KB
Type: Photo
MilitarySoldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in CoahuilaSoldiers From Multiple Nueva Vizcaya Units against the Indians in Coahuila
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,404 × 1,085 pixels
File size: 478 KB
Type: Document
Note: Three of our ancestors were soldiers in the units that responded to Indian attacks against Santiago …
MilitaryFelix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 738 × 1,062 pixels
File size: 256 KB
Type: Document
Note: Felix de Almasan and his son Miguel de Almasan both appear in a muster of cavalry soldiers in the vi…
MilitaryA Second List of Cavalry Shows Miguel and Felix Serving Together, 1723A Second List of Cavalry Shows Miguel and Felix Serving Together, 1723
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 743 × 1,074 pixels
File size: 242 KB
Type: Document