Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Marcela de la Vega of Villaviciosa Asturias

Marcela de la VEGA MIRANDA1826

Marcela de la VEGA MIRANDA
Given names
Also known as
Marcela Vega
Also known as
Marcelina Vega
Birth January 16, 1826 45
Note: Her baptism record gives her birth date. Her marriage record in 1848 stated she was 22 years old. Two of her children's baptism records states that she was native to Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias. In 1881 her son Andres' marriage record stated she was 50 years old.
Baptism January 16, 1826
Religious marriageAndres GARCIA SANPEDRO LLAMEDOView this family
March 27, 1848 (Age 22 years)
Note: Marriage record was found in the Diocese Archives in Oviedo.
Birth of a son
about 1850 (Age 23 years)
Note: From his 1881 marriage record.
Birth of a daughter
April 14, 1851 (Age 25 years)
Note: Nacimiento record found in Vilaviciosa, "se bautizo en la parroquia de Santa Maria de Villaviciosa."
Birth of a son
Ladislao Francisco GARCIA VEGA
July 22, 1852 (Age 26 years)
Note: "en la calle de Agua"
Death of a fatherFrancisco del la VEGA MAESTRO
before 1855 (Age 28 years)

Note: Dead at the time of his granddaughter Maria del Carmen's birth, 5 Oct 1855.
Death of a motherFrancisca MIRANDA QUIRÓS
before 1855 (Age 28 years)

Note: Dead at the time of her granddaughter Maria del Carmen's birth, 5 Oct 1855.
Birth of a son
Braulio GARCIA
March 26, 1856 (Age 30 years)
Note: Record of Braulio's Birth is found in the civil records of Villaviciosa.
Birth of a son
December 19, 1859 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
Benigna GARCIA
1861 (Age 34 years)
Note: Benigna Garcia Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950
Birth of a son
Victor Manuel GARCIA
July 23, 1861 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA
October 13, 1862 (Age 36 years)
Burial of a daughterMaria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA
November 4, 1862 (Age 36 years)
Note: Burial record found in Oviedo Diocesis Archies, 61.39.18-19
Birth of a son
December 27, 1863 (Age 37 years)
Death of a brotherJosé de la VEGA
February 20, 1864 (Age 38 years)
Note: From Spain, Province of Asturias, Municipal Records, 1470-1897
Birth of a son
Enrique Eloy GARCIA
October 29, 1865 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA
December 14, 1869 (Age 43 years)
CensusAndres GARCIA SANPEDRO LLAMEDOView this family
1871 (Age 44 years)
Burial of a brotherMiguel VEGA
September 3, 1880 (Age 54 years)
Note: Burial record found in Oviedo Diocesis Archives, File:, Las Palmas parish. Stated his pa…
Marriage of a childBraulio GARCIAMaria FIERROView this family
January 9, 1906 (Age 79 years)
Note: María Fierro in Chihuahua, Mexico

Death of a sonBraulio GARCIA
before 1923 (Age 96 years)

Note: Braulio was already dead in 1923 when his daughter Victoria was married.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 18, 1804Parroquia de Santa María del Concejo de Villaviciosa
-2 years
elder brother
Miguel VEGA
Birth: about 1802 21Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Burial: September 3, 1880Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain
5 years
elder brother
José de la VEGA
Birth: about 1806 25Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Death: February 20, 1864Oviedo, Oviedo, Asturias, España
5 years
elder brother
16 years
Family with Andres GARCIA SANPEDRO LLAMEDO - View this family
Marriage: March 27, 1848Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain
3 years
15 months
15 months
4 years
4 years
2 years
7 months
15 months
Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA
Birth: October 13, 1862 38 36Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain
Burial: November 4, 1862Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain
14 months
22 months
4 years


Her baptism record gives her birth date. Her marriage record in 1848 stated she was 22 years old. Two of her children's baptism records states that she was native to Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias. In 1881 her son Andres' marriage record stated she was 50 years old.


Marriage record was found in the Diocese Archives in Oviedo.

61.39.14 Santa Maria de Villaviciosa Marriages March 27, 1848 Marriage of Andres Garcia & Maricela Vega

Don Andres Garcia, native of the parish San Juan de Berbió of Piloña, soltero, 23, legitimate son of Jose Garcia of villa de Gijon and Doña Josefa Lamedo , native of the parish San Bartolome de Nava, and Doña Marcela Vega of this villa, single, 22 years old, legitimate daughter of Don Francisco Vega, native of the villa of Lastres, and Doña Doña Francisca Miranda, native of the parish San Isidoro el Real of the city of Oviedo.... Witnesses: Don Hermenegildo Martinez of immediate parish St Juan de Amandi, Don Manuel Alvarez, native of this villa, Don Ramón Madrera of Sant Maria de Lugas. (Translated from Spanish original)

BaptismResearch Report of Marcela's Baptism, 1826Research Report of Marcela's Baptism, 1826
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Image dimensions: 1,240 × 1,754 pixels
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Type: Document
MarriageTranscription of Marriage Record from Parish Records in Oviedo ArchivesTranscription of Marriage Record from Parish Records in Oviedo Archives
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Image dimensions: 2,394 × 3,472 pixels
File size: 706 KB
Type: Certificate
CensusAndres Garcia Family in Villaviciosa, 1871Andres Garcia Family in Villaviciosa, 1871
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Image dimensions: 1,058 × 1,022 pixels
File size: 231 KB
Type: Document
Media objectMarcela de la Vega of Villaviciosa AsturiasMarcela de la Vega of Villaviciosa Asturias
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Image dimensions: 460 × 735 pixels
File size: 157 KB
Type: Photo
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