Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Francisca SAES y GARFIASAge: 62 years16371699

Francisca SAES y GARFIAS
Given names
Also known as
Francisca de Garfias
Also known as
Francisca Saes
Note: In the 1699 testamentary documents of her son Francisco she was named Francis Saes, viuda de Diego Cano de los Rios.
Birth about 1637 37

Note: In a declaration at the Inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669 Francisca stated she (Francisca) was 32 years old.
Birth of a brotherJoseph SAES de GARFIAS
about 1645 (Age 8 years)

Note: According to the deposition he gave at the inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669, he was 24 years old.
MarriageDiego CANO de los RIOSView this family
1660 (Age 23 years)

Source: Treviño Castro, Salvador. Del Chihuahua colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2000.
Baptism of a sonBlas CANO de los RIOS
February 28, 1661 (Age 24 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Blas Cano Garsias
Baptism of a sonDiego CANO GARFIAS
November 8, 1662 (Age 25 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Diego Cano Garsias
Birth of a daughter
Magdalena CANO de los RIOS
1664 (Age 27 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950
Baptism of a daughterMaria CANO GARFIAS
December 6, 1667 (Age 30 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Maria Cano Garfias
Baptism of a daughterJuana CANO GARFIAS
July 30, 1669 (Age 32 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 Joana Cano Garcia
EventDiego CANO de los RIOSView this family
Indian Attack
October 1669 (Age 32 years)
Note: Diego's wife Francisca Garfias was injured in an attack by apache servants.

Baptism of a sonMiguel CANO de los RIOS
October 30, 1672 (Age 35 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 Miguel Cano Saens
Baptism of a sonGeronimo Antonio CANO de los RIOS
May 17, 1676 (Age 39 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 Geronimo Anttonio Cano Garfias
LawsuitDiego CANO de los RIOSView this family
1686 (Age 49 years)
Note: There was a water rights and land possession argument between Diego Cano and (likely) his wife's Sa…
Burial of a husbandDiego CANO de los RIOS
May 11, 1687 (Age 50 years)
Marriage of a childMiguel CANO de los RIOSAngela de ACOSTAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
September 29, 1697 (Age 60 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950 For Miguel Cano De Los Rios
Burial of a sonFrancisco CANO de los RIOS
July 7, 1699 (Age 62 years)
Note: Francisco left no will. He died intestate and a testamentary file exists in the Fondos of Parral.
Death after July 1699 (Age 62 years)

Note: Francisca was listed as a widow in the burial record of her son Francisco Cano in 1699
Death before 1709 (Age 72 years)

Note: She was deceased at the time of her daughters Juana's marriage in 1709.
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
Birth: about 1635 35Valle de San Bartolomé, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: about 1704Chihuahua, Nueva Vizcaya
3 years
9 years
younger brother
Family with Diego CANO de los RIOS - View this family
Marriage: 1660
14 months
Blas CANO de los RIOS
Baptism: February 28, 1661 32 24San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: October 1711San Francisco de Cuellar, near Parral
20 months
5 years
Baptism: December 6, 1667 39 30San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
20 months
9 years
Miguel CANO de los RIOS
Baptism: October 30, 1672 44 35San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Burial: December 29, 1743Valle de San Bartolome, Chihuahua, Nueva Vizcaya

MarriageTreviño Castro, Salvador. Del Chihuahua colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2000.

In a declaration at the Inquest of the death of Antonia Cano in 1669 Francisca stated she (Francisca) was 32 years old.


Diego's wife Francisca Garfias was injured in an attack by apache servants.

2246 880 Contra Maria y Angelina y Juan yndios apaches de Nuevo Mexico sirvientes de Diego Cano de los Rios sobre la muerte de Antonia Niña y heridas que se dieron a Franca de Garfias muxer legitima de dho Diego Cano de los Rios [Cáratula de Di Pesso: Contra unos indios apaches por homicidio perpetrado en la persona de Antonio, indio]. 7 ff. G-44 Año 1669

A young girl Antonia Cano, age 15, was killed when 3 servants attacked the family on the Rancho BuenaVista. According to a deposition given by the widow Josepha de los Reís, Antonia was her sister. It's not clear what relationship Josefa and Antonia had to the Diego Cano de los Rios family.

Magdalena de Garfias testified that Francisca was her daughter.


There was a water rights and land possession argument between Diego Cano and (likely) his wife's Saez de Garfias family.

2965 654 Diligencias relativas a la demanda presentada por Cristobal Saez de Garfias sobre tierras y saca de agua contra Diego Cano de los Rios. 18 ff. G-16

2966 672 Diego Cano de los Rios contra Cristobal Saez de Garfias para la posesion de unas tierras. 80 ff. G-17


In the 1699 testamentary documents of her son Francisco she was named Francis Saes, viuda de Diego Cano de los Rios.


Francisca was listed as a widow in the burial record of her son Francisco Cano in 1699


She was deceased at the time of her daughters Juana's marriage in 1709.


Named in baptism of Miguel Cano de los Rios.

BirthFrancisca Declared She was age 32 in Oct 1669Francisca Declared She was age 32 in Oct 1669
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EventParts of Two Depositions Taken After Francisca de Garfias Was Attacked, 1669Parts of Two Depositions Taken After Francisca de Garfias Was Attacked, 1669
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EventMagdalena de Garfias Is Identified as Mother of FranciscaMagdalena de Garfias Is Identified as Mother of Francisca
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File size: 144 KB
Type: Document