Blas CANO de los RIOSAge: 50 years1661–1711
- Name
- Blas CANO de los RIOS
- Given names
- Blas
- Surname
- CANO de los RIOS
![]() | February 28, 1661 |
![]() | Diego CANO GARFIAS November 8, 1662 (Age 20 months) |
![]() | Magdalena CANO de los RIOS 1664 (Age 2 years) |
![]() | Maria CANO GARFIAS December 6, 1667 (Age 6 years) |
![]() | Juana CANO GARFIAS July 30, 1669 (Age 8 years) |
![]() | Miguel CANO de los RIOS October 30, 1672 (Age 11 years) |
![]() | Francisco CANO de los RIOS before 1675 (Age 13 years) Note: Deceased at time of son Pedro's death, according to Pedro's will.
![]() | Geronimo Antonio CANO de los RIOS May 17, 1676 (Age 15 years) |
![]() | Diego CANO de los RIOS May 11, 1687 (Age 26 years) |
![]() | Francisco CANO de los RIOS July 7, 1699 (Age 38 years) |
![]() | Francisca SAES y GARFIAS after July 1699 (Age 38 years) Note: Francisca was listed as a widow in the burial record of her son Francisco Cano in 1699
![]() | One of the founders of Ciudad de Chihuahua 1707 (Age 45 years)Source: Treviño Castro, S. (2000). Del Chihuahua Colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Note: Treviño Castro, S. (2000). Del Chihuahua colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.… |
![]() | Francisca SAES y GARFIAS before 1709 (Age 47 years) Note: She was deceased at the time of her daughters Juana's marriage in 1709.
![]() | One of the Founders of Ciudad Chihuahua 1709 (Age 47 years) Shared note: The city of Chihuahua is the state capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It has a population … |
![]() | 1710 (Age 48 years) Address: Ranch bordered mission of Nombre de Dios in present day Chihuahua City. |
![]() | October 1711 (Age 50 years) Cause of death: Killed by Valenzuela Brothers |
![]() | 2020 (308 years after death) Note: There is a street in Ciudad Chihuahua (San Felipe) named after Blas Cano de los Rios.
Family with parents |
father |
Diego CANO de los RIOS Baptism: July 29, 1628 — El Sagrario, Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico, Mexico Burial: May 11, 1687 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico |
mother |
Francisca SAES y GARFIAS Birth: about 1637 37 Death: after July 1699 |
Marriage: 1660 — |
14 months himself |
Blas CANO de los RIOS Baptism: February 28, 1661 32 24 — San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico Death: October 1711 — San Francisco de Cuellar, near Parral |
20 months younger brother |
Diego CANO GARFIAS Baptism: November 8, 1662 34 25 — San Jose, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico |
5 years younger sister |
Maria CANO GARFIAS Baptism: December 6, 1667 39 30 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico |
20 months younger sister |
Juana CANO GARFIAS Baptism: July 30, 1669 41 32 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico |
brother |
Francisco CANO de los RIOS Burial: July 7, 1699 — Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua |
younger sister |
Magdalena CANO de los RIOS Birth: 1664 35 27 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico |
9 years younger brother |
Miguel CANO de los RIOS Baptism: October 30, 1672 44 35 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico Burial: December 29, 1743 — Valle de San Bartolome, Chihuahua, Nueva Vizcaya |
sister | |
younger brother |
Geronimo Antonio CANO de los RIOS Baptism: May 17, 1676 47 39 — San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Fact | Treviño Castro, S. (2000). Del Chihuahua Colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. |
Baptism | Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Blas Cano Garsias Christening Date: 28 Feb 1661 Christening Place: SAN JOSE,HIDALGO DEL PARRAL,CHIHUAHUA,MEXICO Father's Name: Diego Cano Mother's Name: Francisca De Garsias |
Fact | Treviño Castro, S. (2000). Del Chihuahua colonial. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Treviño Castro's book gives many details about Blas Cano, most of the information taken from the Archives of Parral and from the Catholic Church records of San Bartolome and of Chihuahua.
Historical | The city of Chihuahua is the state capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It has a population of about 825,327. The predominant activity is industry, including domestic heavy, light industries, consumer goods production, and to a smaller extent maquiladoras. HISTORY It has been said that the name derives from the Nahuatl language, meaning "between two waters", other accepted definitions are "place of the holed-rock" or from Tarahumara, "dry and sandy place". The name itself is older than the Spanish conquest of Mexico. The city was founded on October 12, 1709, by Blas Cano de los Rios and Antonio Deza y Ulloa, a Spanish explorer, as El Real de Minas de San Francisco de Cuéllar. Don Ildefonso de Irigoyen donated the land for the city foundation. The town was erected a Villa in 1718 with the name of San Felipe el Real de Chihuahua, and the name was shortened in 1823. The location was chosen because it is the intersection of the rivers Chuviscar and Sacramento. It is also the midpoint between the Río Bravo del Norte (Rio Grande) and the then-important mining city of Hidalgo del Parral. For much of the 18th century, Chihuahua served as the de facto capital of Nueva Vizcaya because most governors preferred to reside there rather than in Durango, the capital of the province at that time. From: Title: Chihuahua City |
Property | Miguel Cano de los Rios was mentioned in this document from 1723. Miguel was executor of part of the estate of his brother Blas; in 1723 Blas Cano's children demanded that Miguel release the Hacienda's owned by Blas to themselves. From the book DEL CHIHUAHUA COLONIAL. LA PROPIEDAD DE LA TIERRA, pg 163 Gracias a un litigio y a una venta de tierras nos enteramos ahora de que la Hacienda de San José del Sacramento, en cuyas demasías fue fundada nuestra ciudad actual, perteneció a la familia Cano de los Ríos. Esta escritura data de noviembre de 1723 y pasa ante el mismo escribano. Comparece don Antonio Cano de los Ríos, como hijo y unode los herederos del capitán Blas Cano y de Doña Ignacia Terrazas de Valenzuela. Dice que al morir su padre se inventariaron sus bienes y que éstos los recibió don Miguel Cano de los Ríos, su tío, como albacea y curador de los hijos menores del capitán Blas Cano. Se queja de que ya han pasado 13 años de la muerte de este capitán y los bienes mencionados no se han repartido entre los herederos, y por esto le tiene puesto pleito. Sigue la escritura y más delante dice el mencionado Antonio Cano de los Ríos que ahora ya se han puesto de acuerdo los herederos con su tío y que han decidido vender la hacienda. La van a vender a don Juan de Zubía Pacheco y la parte que le corresponde a don Antonio Cano de los Ríos se va a tratar en 1,032 pesos de oro. Otro dato de interés para la vida de nuestra ciudad es que esa Hacienda de San José del Sacramento se dice que lindaba con tierras de los indios de la Misión de Nombre de Dios y que contaba con tierras de labor, un molino y casas de habitación. (Translation) Thanks to litigation and a sale of land, we now learn that the Hacienda of San José del Sacramento, on which our current city was founded, belonged to the Cano de los Ríos family. This writing dates from November 1723 and passes before the same clerk. Don Antonio Cano de los Ríos appears as son and one of the heirs of Captain Blas Cano and Mrs. Ignacia Terrazas de Valenzuela. He says that when his father died his assets were inventoried and that they were received by Miguel Cano de los Ríos, his uncle, as executor and curator of the minor children of Captain Blas Cano. He complains that 13 years have passed since the death of this captain and the aforementioned assets have not been distributed among the heirs, and that is why he has a lawsuit. Further ahead the aforementioned Antonio Cano de los Ríos says that now the heirs have agreed with their uncle and that they have decided to sell the hacienda. They are going to sell it to Don Juan de Zubía Pacheco and the part that corresponds to Don Antonio Cano de los Ríos is going to be 1,032 pesos of gold. Another fact of interest for the life of our city is that the Treasury of San José del Sacramento is said to border the lands of the Indians of the Mission of Nombre de Dios and that it had farmland, a mill and houses. |
Memorial Street | There is a street in Ciudad Chihuahua (San Felipe) named after Blas Cano de los Rios. |
Fact | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,684 × 1,440 pixels File size: 1,650 KB Type: Manuscript |
Fact | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 3,456 × 7,045 pixels File size: 4,457 KB Type: Photo |
Historical | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,714 × 2,174 pixels File size: 1,391 KB Type: Manuscript |
Historical | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,714 × 2,174 pixels File size: 1,178 KB Type: Manuscript |
Death | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 2,212 × 954 pixels File size: 1,471 KB Type: Document |