Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Bartolome SAENS de CHAVES1655

Bartolome SAENS de CHAVES
Given names
Also known as
Bartolome Saes de Chavez
Baptism October 31, 1655
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Bartolome Saes Sapien
Death of a maternal grandfatherPedro de SAPIEN
November 16, 1660 (Age 5 years)
Note: According to his will.
Entries in Archives of Parral

Note: 3456 799 Ocurso de Bartolome Saenz de Chavez para que se haga un inventario de sus bienes para pode…
Baptism of a sisterAntonia SAENS SAPIEN
June 13, 1666 (Age 10 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Antonia Saens Sapien
Baptism of a daughterAnttonia SAENS MACHADO
June 8, 1682 (Age 26 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Anttonia Saes Machado
Baptism of a daughterThomasa Antonia SAENS de CHAVES MACHADO
January 5, 1684 (Age 28 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Thomasa Antonia Saes Machado
Bartolome Saenz de Chavez Handles the Estate of His First Wife Ana Machado Rangel
Bartolome Saenz de Chavez Handles the Estate of His First Wife Ana Machado Rangel

Note: After Ana Machado died, in 1704 her surviving husband Bartolome Saenz de Chavez had an inventory performed and had her children listed with allocations: Thomasa wife of Joseph Armendariz, Juan, Juan Manuel, Bartolome Vincent, and Josefa.

Baptism of a sonJuan SAENS de CHAVES
February 10, 1686 (Age 30 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Juan Saes Machado
Baptism of a sonJuan Manuel SAENS de CHAVES
January 24, 1688 (Age 32 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Juan Manuel Saes Machado
Baptism of a sonBartolomé Vicente SAENS de CHAVES
April 21, 1690 (Age 34 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Bartholome Visente Saes Machado
Death of a fatherBartolome SAENS de CHAVES
November 26, 1691 (Age 36 years)
Note: From familysearch:
Marriage of a childJoseph de ASCUE ARMENDARIZThomasa Antonia SAENS de CHAVES MACHADOView this family
November 2, 1702 (Age 47 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950 For Joseph De Ascue Armendaris
Death of a wifeMaria Anna MACHADO RANGEL
about 1704 (Age 48 years)
Note: AHMPFCB02001002 Hacienda y tesorería Ajuste de cuentas Pueblo y Valle de San Bartolomé 05/04/17…
Residence 1707 (Age 51 years)
Family with parents - View this family
11 years
younger sister
Family with Maria Anna MACHADO RANGEL - View this family
-19 months
6 years
-23 months
4 years


Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Bartolome Saes Sapien

Christening Date: 31 Oct 1655 Christening Place: SAN JOSE,HIDALGO DEL PARRAL,CHIHUAHUA,MEXICO Father's Name: Bartolome Saes Mother's Name: Juana De Sapien


3456 799 Ocurso de Bartolome Saenz de Chavez para que se haga un inventario de sus bienes para poder reconcocerlos gananciales de su primera esposa. 10 ff. D-121 Año 1704

Hacienda y tesorería Ajuste de cuentas Pueblo y Valle de San Bartolomé 05/04/1704 El capitán Bartolomé Sáenz de Chávez, realizando inventarios de sus bienes hasta el fallecimiento de su primera esposa, Ana Machado, para el reparto a sus hijos de lo que les corresponde.

BaptismBaptism of Bernardo Saenz in 1655Baptism of Bernardo Saenz in 1655
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Image dimensions: 1,200 × 521 pixels
File size: 203 KB
Type: Document
ResidenceBartolome Saes de Chavez Was Visited by Military Capitán in 1707Bartolome Saes de Chavez Was Visited by Military Capitán in 1707
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 893 × 594 pixels
File size: 170 KB
Type: Document
Media objectBartolome Saenz de Chavez Handles the Estate of His First Wife Ana Machado RangelBartolome Saenz de Chavez Handles the Estate of His First Wife Ana Machado Rangel
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,880 × 1,364 pixels
File size: 896 KB
Type: Document
Note: After Ana Machado died, in 1704 her surviving husband Bartolome Saenz de Chavez had an inventory performed and had her children listed with allocations: Thomasa wife of Joseph Armendariz, Juan, Juan Manuel, Bartolome Vincent, and Josefa.
Media objectAna Machado and Husband Bartolome Saenz Were GodparentsAna Machado and Husband Bartolome Saenz Were Godparents
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,438 × 1,441 pixels
File size: 618 KB
Type: Manuscript
Note: From the Book about Juan Dominguez de Mendoza: Ana and Bartolome were godparents to Salvador Dominguez de Mendoza, son of Tomé Dominguez de Mendoza and Catalina Carvajal in 1696, Valle de Allende..