Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Augustin MAESTRO GATO1732

Given names
Also known as
Augustin Maestro
Birth August 27, 1732
Note: From Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Burgos Baptism of Agustín Maestro Gato

Birth of a daughter

Note: Possibly Ribadesella, Asturias
Baptism of a sisterJuana MAESTRO GATO
February 17, 1736 (Age 3 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a brotherAntonio MAESTRO GATO
June 18, 1737 (Age 4 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Burial of a maternal grandfatherFrancisco GATO
July 19, 1738 (Age 5 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a brotherManuel MAESTRO GATO
September 12, 1739 (Age 7 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a sisterCatalina MAESTRO GATO
September 27, 1740 (Age 8 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Birth of a daughter
September 6, 1752 (Age 20 years)

Death of a daughterMaria MAESTRO MEDINA
January 6, 1753 (Age 20 years)
Note: Unverified date taken from tree: mvillaescusa on Geneanet.org in 2022.
Birth of a daughter
January 24, 1754 (Age 21 years)

ResidenceManuela MEDINA GEROView this family
1776 (Age 43 years)
Marriage of a childAntonio de la VEGA MONTOTOAntonia MAESTRO MEDINAView this family
October 17, 1776 (Age 44 years)
Note: Antonio's Parents: Agustín Maestro y Manuela Medina, vecinos de Ribadesella. Antonia's parents not m…
Death of a fatherFrancisco MAESTRO ERRANTE
January 29, 1779 (Age 46 years)
Note: Buried in parish of Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental.

Death of a motherCatalina GATO DÍEZ
September 19, 1779 (Age 47 years)
Note: Recibió los Santos Sacramentos. Testó ante el escribano del número de Melgar Don Lorenzo Ramos, el 1…

Death of a daughterAntonia MAESTRO MEDINA
before 1804 (Age 71 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 13, 1721Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos
11 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Family with Manuela MEDINA GERO - View this family
Birth: September 6, 1752 20Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos
Death: January 6, 1753Melgar de Fernamental, Arzobispado de Burgos
17 months


From Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Burgos Baptism of Agustín Maestro Gato Lugar de Nacimiento: Melgar de Fernamental Fecha: 27 de agosto de 1732 Fecha de Bautizo: 2 de septiembre de 1732 Padre: Francisco Maestro Errante, natural y vecino de Melgar de Fernamental Madre: Catalina Gato Díez, natural y vecina de Melgar de Fernamental Abuelos Paternal: Pedro Maestro y María Errante, vecinos de Melgar de Fernamental Abuelos Maternal: Francisco Gato y Juana Díez, vecinos de Melgar de Fernamental Padrinos: Licenciado Don Juan Zareaso, beneficiado en dicha parroquia, y Doña Isidora Sánchez, natural de la ciudad de Consuegra y vecina de Melgar de Fernamental Ministro: Licenciado Don Bernardo González Astorga, cura y beneficiado de la parroquia Notas: Testigos los Licenciados Don Pedro González y Don José de Villasana, beneficiados de dicha parroquia


Named in the baptism of their grandson Francisco Vega Maestro in 1780. The record states his grandparents Augustin Maestro & were originally from Burgos

Birth1732 Baptism Record of Augustin Maestro in Fernamental, Burgos1732 Baptism Record of Augustin Maestro in Fernamental, Burgos
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BirthBaptism of Augustin Maestro in 1732Baptism of Augustin Maestro in 1732
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