Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Juan Crisostomo FLORES1825

Juan Crisostomo FLORES
Given names
Juan Crisostomo
Birth 1825
Birth of a sisterDominga FLORES
1829 (Age 4 years)
Marriage of parentsAlejo FLORESJosefa JimenesView this family
February 15, 1846 (Age 21 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages for Juan Jose Flores
Death of a motherJosefa Jimenes
1849 (Age 24 years)

Note: In the 1849 marriage for Antonio Sotelo and Josefa's daughter it was stated that Josefa was deceased.
Death of a sisterDominga FLORES
July 14, 1910 (Age 85 years) Age: 80
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Dominga Flores de Sotelo