Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Given names
Baptism February 17, 1736
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a brotherAntonio MAESTRO GATO
June 18, 1737 (Age 16 months)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Burial of a maternal grandfatherFrancisco GATO
July 19, 1738 (Age 2 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a brotherManuel MAESTRO GATO
September 12, 1739 (Age 3 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Baptism of a sisterCatalina MAESTRO GATO
September 27, 1740 (Age 4 years)
Note: Found in the parochial books of the parish Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental in the Historical Ar…
Death of a fatherFrancisco MAESTRO ERRANTE
January 29, 1779 (Age 42 years)
Note: Buried in parish of Santa Maria de Melgar de Fernamental.

Death of a motherCatalina GATO DÍEZ
September 19, 1779 (Age 43 years)
Note: Recibió los Santos Sacramentos. Testó ante el escribano del número de Melgar Don Lorenzo Ramos, el 1…