Anna Norling of Brownsville Texas

Oskar Norling Revisits Stimmerbo

Claus Oscar NORLINGAge: 44 years18871932

Claus Oscar NORLING
Given names
Claus Oscar
Birth May 3, 1887 23 21
Birth of a sisterSigne Margarete Norling
December 10, 1888 (Age 19 months)
Note: A birth record from Sweden suggest that Signe was born in 1889, instead of 1888, and was born in nearby Soderbarke, Norbarke Parish.
Birth of a brotherNils Oskar Leopold Norling
November 15, 1891 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherNils Oskar Leopold Norling
November 15, 1891 (Age 4 years)

Note: The baptism record and the emigration record agree on the baptism date and place, Norberg, Vastmanland.
Arrival May 16, 1893 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherOscar Sigfred Norling
February 15, 1894 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna Britta Eriksdotter
September 14, 1894 (Age 7 years)
Residence 1904 (Age 16 years)
MarriageGRACE NELLIE AnnisView this family
October 30, 1907 (Age 20 years)
Census 1910 (Age 22 years)
Note: Claus Oscar Norling and wife Grace were living in Corpus with his mother Anna's family.
Death of a paternal grandfatherJan Erik NORLING
January 7, 1920 (Age 32 years)
Death of a motherAnna Erika ERIKSON
November 11, 1932 (Age 45 years)
Death 1932 (Age 44 years)

Note: Claus Oscar was not listed as surviving son in his mother's obituary.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 31, 1886Stimmerbo, Norbarke Parish, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden
6 months
19 months
younger sister
Signe Margarete Norling
Birth: December 10, 1888 25 23Soderbarke, Norbarke parish, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden
Death: March 19, 1962San Antonio, Bexar, Tx
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Family with GRACE NELLIE Annis - View this family
Marriage: October 30, 1907Kane C, IL


Claus Oscar Norling and wife Grace were living in Corpus with his mother Anna's family.


Claus Oscar was not listed as surviving son in his mother's obituary.

Media objectOskar Norling Revisits StimmerboOskar Norling Revisits Stimmerbo
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