Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Dick Fadden

Richmond “Dick” FADDENAge: 65 years18501915

Richmond “Dick” FADDEN
Birth 1850

MarriageRose Ellen McCABEView this family
June 1905 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ellen FADDEN
1908 (Age 58 years)
Death 1915 (Age 65 years)
Family with Rose Ellen McCABE - View this family
Marriage: June 1905Arvilla Township, Grand Forks County, North Dakota(Dakota Territory)
4 years


Obituary: DICK FADDEN PASSES AWAY Resident of Larimore, Well Known Over State Dies of Blood Poisoning. Sees Service in Indian War, Prominently Connected as a Government Scout in Army Service -- Sheriff of Grand Forks County -- Chief of Police of Larimore and Man Well Liked By All Who Knew Him.

Richard "Dick" Fadden, aged 64, and pioneer resident of the state for many years, died yesterday morning at his home at Larimore at 5:45 o'clock.

Mr. Fadden, who had been in ill health for the last two months, underwent an operation to check the disease, blood piosoning, that was slowly ebbing away his life.

His condition became critical the last two weeks, and it was only a question of time before the end would come.

The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, at the Catholic Church at Larimore. The pallbearers who were selected by Mr. Fadden when he first learned of his critical condition, comprise James Collins and A. F. Turner of Grand Forks, M. Gass, E. L. Richter, William Dresden and J. C. Murphy of Larimore.

The deceased is survived by his widow and one daughter, Ellen Fadden, who is six years of age.

The late Mr. Fadden, who is known all over the state, counting his friends by the score, is one of the earliest residents of the state. He was born in Dunhamfelt, Canada, September 16th, 1850. When he was 4 years of age he moved to New Auburn, Minnesota, with his parents.

When the Sioux War broke out, young Fadden and his sister were captured by the Indians and went through many experiences before regaining his liberty.

Coming to North Dakota while the country was still in its infancy, he was employed as one of the scouts at Fort Stevenson and Fort Buford. He served as county sheriff of Grand Forks for many years. He has mad his home the last few years at Larimore, and has been chief of police of that city for ten years. His death caused genuine sorrow among his many friends throughout the state. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Grand Forks, North Dakota, January 22, 1915, Page 16, Column 3)

MarriageWedding Announcement for Rose Ellen McCabe and Dick FaddenWedding Announcement for Rose Ellen McCabe and Dick Fadden
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DeathRichard Fadden- PolicemanRichard Fadden- Policeman
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Media objectDick FaddenDick Fadden
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