Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Gertrude McCabe in 1927

Gertrude McCABEAge: 93 years19031996

Gertrude McCABE
Birth February 14, 1903 34 28
Sis /McCabe/

Birth of a sisterMargarite McCABE
March 13, 1905 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a sisterKathleen McCABE
February 1, 1908 (Age 4 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherMichael McCABE
May 29, 1913 (Age 10 years)
Note: Death Announcement(May 30, 1913):

Birth of a sisterMonica McCABE
June 20, 1913 (Age 10 years)

Death of a sisterMonica McCABE
May 23, 1914 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterRita Louise McCABE
October 22, 1916 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a sisterTheodora Veronica McCABE
October 8, 1918 (Age 15 years)

Death of a sisterTheodora Veronica McCABE
December 17, 1919 (Age 16 years)
Aka (Facts Page)
Fact 5
Valley City Teachers' College
1925 (Age 21 years)

Death of a motherTheodora Louise McILLHARGEY
December 20, 1962 (Age 59 years)

Death of a fatherJames Bernard McCABE
December 10, 1964 (Age 61 years)

Death of a sisterMargarite McCABE
October 3, 1990 (Age 87 years)
Death of a sisterKathleen McCABE
September 30, 1995 (Age 92 years)

Fact 3
Teacher, Music teacher

Fact 4

Fact 9
Fact 12
Sis was very depressed for about 10 years before she died, ever since her son Vince died. She became very forgetful, and even irrational.

Death April 18, 1996 (Age 93 years)
Cause of death: Pneumonia
Fact 2
Bellevue Cemetery, Larimore ND
April 22, 1996 (4 days after death)


Address line 1: Box 465, 523 Booth Avenue
City: Larimore
State: ND
Postal code: 58251
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 24, 1899St. Mary's, Lindsay, Victoria, Ontario, Canada
2 years
elder sister
Mary Patricia “Doll” McCABE
Birth: March 12, 1901 32 26Larimore, Grand Forks County, ND
Death: August 13, 1998Grand Forks Co, North Dakota
23 months
Gertrude McCabe in 1927Gertrude McCABE
Birth: February 14, 1903 34 28Gilby, Grand Forks, ND
Death: April 18, 1996Northwood, Grand Forks, ND
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
9 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
-5 years
younger sister
Family with Private - View this family
Gertrude McCabe in 1927Gertrude McCABE
Birth: February 14, 1903 34 28Gilby, Grand Forks, ND
Death: April 18, 1996Northwood, Grand Forks, ND


Mom was with Grandma Sis when she died.

Shared note


Gertrude was known as "Sis". She attended school in Larimore, graduating from HS in 1921. She obtained a Teaching Certificate from Valley City State College (ND) Teacher's College in 1922. She taught in Grand Forks County rural schools. 4 years in one-room schools, and then 2 years as Asst Principal at Logan Center Consolidated.

So the children could attend schools, they purchased a house in Larimore and moved there from their farm in 1943. She served on the Larimore school board and was a charter member of the Logan Center Homemakers Club. She also was active in Federated, and Music Clubs. She was state and nationally certified by Music Teachers National Association, and was a National Piano Guild Teacher. She had over 25 Myra Foundation Music Scholarship winners among her pupils. Sis was the accompanist for the Grand Forks County Chorus directed by "Pop" Roland in the '50's and '60's. The antique pump organ in the vestibule of St. Stephen's, the original organ of the parish, was put on display by Sis. As a tribute to her many years of service, Monsignor Mulvaney used a picture of Sis as a model when he ordered the beautiful stained glass window of St. Cecilla (the Patron Saint of Organists) for the choir loft.

She taught private piano lessons for 45 years and played organ for St. Stephen's Catholic Church for 67 years.

Until her latest years, Sis was always happy and friendly. She figured she knew or was related to nearly everyone she met - and it seemed so! A good whist player, Sis had a great appetite; she'd eat a powdered sugar donut every morning and a prune every night. She was very generous; when she used to see her grand kids who lived outside of ND, she would say "Gee, I don't get to see you kids very often" as she'd hand you a $20 dollar bill. She also bought us a new piano when we lived in Rapid City because she didn't want to have to go downstairs to play our old one.

When her oldest son, Vince, died unexpectedly in 1984, Sis became quite depressed and was never her former self.

My mother (Joan Williams) wrote and said, "It was tough for me when she died -- I was the only one of her kids to be there -- but I was talking to her and holding her hand when she just quit breathing. She had pneumonia for just a couple of days. I think I did my grieving nine years ago when she went into the home. She hated being there, but was so depressed no one could help her. So hopefully now she can be happy again with my Dad and Vince and her little 4-year old Dale."

Here's some other great Sis moments, written by her granddaughter Missy, to her father, Marty, on the eve of "Grandma Sis'" funeral and read by Missy's brother, Mark Yahna, at the service:


  • Grandma always more that happy to help me with my homework, and she knew the answers.
  • Grandma always knew what every word meant, she never needed to look it up in the dictionary.
  • Eating powdered sugar donuts that Grandma had out for us to eat after church and before Sunday school ("the donut Grandma").
  • Sitting with Grandma watching her play organ at church.
  • Taking piano lessons from Grandma and her saying "stay up on your tips".
  • Putting on Grandma's lotions, perfume and make-up that she always had out in her bathroom.
  • Playing "school" at the little desk downstairs in Grandma's basement.
  • Grandma always doing word searches, crossword puzzles and word scrambles.
  • Playing cards and games (aggravation) with Grandma.
  • Closing the doors to Grandma's piano room and singing/dancing to the stereo (Grandma didn't care).
  • Listening to Grandma read the newspaper to me and give me all the information.
  • Getting the newspaper from Grandma and always having it underlined, written on and the word "chee" on it.
  • Grandma always calling Mark "Barney".
  • Playing croquet in the back yard of Grandma's house.
  • Listening to stories about the olden days like the "Dirty Thirties".
  • Grandma always told me she NEVER liked the name Gertrude!
  • Grandma correcting my speech so it was grammatically correct.
  • Walking to Grandma's after school, staying there for supper and phoning in an order to the Dairy Queen or Drive-In.
  • Grandma always having yummy crackers and goodies at her house.
  • Driving around town with Grandma, she always told me ALL about the people that lived in Larimore. She always stopped and started SO quickly.
  • Always remember Grandma wearing floral print blouses and chunky jewelry.
  • Grandma always saying "cheese" whenever we would take a picture.
  • Driving by the church with Grandma - she always made the sign of the cross.
  • Grandma drinking every last drop in her cup and scraping out her bowl.
  • Grandma would finish supper and say "I just need a little something sweet!"
  • Grandma relaxing in her lazy-boy.
  • Seeing Grandma's excitement in her eyes when I told her I was going to be a teacher like her!
  • Grandma always telling me how proud she was of you and what a GREAT farmer you are!!
Media objectGertrude McCabe in 1927Gertrude McCabe in 1927
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Image dimensions: 1,456 × 2,128 pixels
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Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectSis Yahna in 1960Sis Yahna in 1960
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Image dimensions: 103 × 152 pixels
File size: 12 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectElderly Gertrude Sis McCabe YahnaElderly Gertrude Sis McCabe Yahna
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 358 × 488 pixels
File size: 133 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no