Francis “Red” McCABEAge: 87 years1805–1892
- Name
- Francis “Red” McCABE
- Given names
- Francis
- Surname
- Nickname
- Red
![]() | about 1805 22 |
![]() | Red /McCabe/ |
![]() | Anne McCABE about 1820 (Age 15 years) Note: We know Francis had several children but not all of their names were known. On 12 Sept 2024 a newspaper article from 1838 was found that named Anne McCabe as a missing daughter of Francis McCabe. She was last seen in NY city about 1838.
![]() | Simon McCABE March 1, 1827 (Age 22 years) |
![]() | Elizabeth McCABE about 1828 (Age 23 years) |
![]() | Sarah RICHARDS before 1840 (Age 35 years) |
![]() | Margaret MARTIN — View this family before April 1840 (Age 35 years) |
![]() #1 | Michael McCABE August 17, 1841 (Age 36 years) |
![]() | Francis McCABE — Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon — View this family Type: Religious marriage November 16, 1841 (Age 36 years) |
![]() #2 | Thomas McCABE about 1845 (Age 40 years) Note: The 1901 census in Ops, Victoria Co Ont says that Thomas was born in Dec 1842. That is earlier than other records indicate.
![]() #3 | Patrick McCABE April 14, 1847 (Age 42 years) Note: Sponsors were Thomas Martin and Betty McCabe.
![]() #4 | Francis Thomas McCABE January 1851 (Age 46 years) |
![]() #5 | John McCABE June 23, 1856 (Age 51 years) Note: Entry from the parish records of Magheracloone Monaghan: June 23, 1856. Joannes McCABE, Doagh. Son of Francisci et Margarita MARTIN. Sponsor Michael McCram and Francisca Lamb.
![]() | 1858 (Age 53 years) Francis McCabe Sublet From Thomas Martin 1858 Note: The Griffith's Evaluation (Census) of Monagahan in 1858 shows that Francis lived on Doagh in a sublet from his (presumed) father-in-law Thomas Martin.
![]() | May 1861 (Age 56 years) |
![]() | between 1840 and 1861 (Age 35 years) |
![]() | John McCABE 1861 (Age 56 years) Note: John was not with the family when they came to Canada in 1861, which probably means he had died before then.
![]() | Francis McCABE August 9, 1862 (Age 57 years) Note: Entry from BRITISH PENSIONERS ABROAD by Norman Crowder: pp 243 "Fra McCabe, pension awarded 7 June… |
![]() | Michael McCABE — Mary Rebecca McCABE — View this family February 8, 1864 (Age 59 years) |
![]() | Patrick McCABE November 1867 (Age 62 years) Age: 19 Note: This is most likely record for Patrick's death.
![]() | Simon McCABE September 24, 1870 (Age 65 years) |
![]() | Thomas McCABE — Catherine ONEIL — View this family May 14, 1876 (Age 71 years) |
![]() | Francis Thomas McCABE — Mary Ann HERRON — View this family October 25, 1880 (Age 75 years) |
![]() | 1883 (Age 78 years) Francis McCabe Declares For Citizenship in 1883, Index Note: Index into Immigration records at Grand Forks for Francis McCabe and Francis Jr in Aug of 1883. It shows that they originally appeared in USA in May of 1861 at port of NY.
![]() | Margaret MARTIN 1885 (Age 80 years) |
![]() | Note: Frank McCabe was an old man of about 70 when he homesteaded in Eddy County in (about) 1884. The first homestead was a Cash Entry purchase and the second was a "regular" homestead. He received title on the first claim in 1890 but did not live long enough to get title on the second. It was awarded to the Heirs of Frank McCabe in 1896 - Francis Jr. took possession. Frank McCabe and his son Francis Jr. had lived side by side on their properties in Eddy Co and, according to the homestead file, Frank had lived with his son for a while before moving back into his home on the first claim. The homestead file in the National archives contained a letter from Francis Jr. that gives the date of Frank's death and a separate letter indicated that Margaret McCabe, Frank's wife, was dead before 1887.
![]() | December 27, 1892 (Age 87 years) Note: Date of death is reported in the papers filed by Francis' son Francis Jr. in order to get the patent on Francis' homestead in Eddy Co. ND. The papers are part of the Homestead file for Francis, located in the National Archives in Washington DC.
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Family with parents |
father |
Birth: September 20, 1782 — Magheracloone, Co Monaghan Ireland Death: August 9, 1862 — Ops, Victoria Co Ontario, |
mother |
Sarah RICHARDS Death: before 1840 |
Marriage: — |
himself |
Birth: about 1805 22 — Probably Monaghan Ireland Death: December 27, 1892 — North Dakota |
16 years younger sister |
Anne McCABE Birth: about 1820 37 — Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ireland |
9 years younger sister |
Elizabeth McCABE Birth: about 1828 45 — Probably Monaghan Ireland Death: May 8, 1904 — Rochester NY |
-10 months younger brother |
Simon McCABE Birth: March 1, 1827 44 — Monaghan Ireland Death: September 24, 1870 — Eaton, Manitowoc, Wisconsin |
Father’s family with Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon |
father |
Birth: September 20, 1782 — Magheracloone, Co Monaghan Ireland Death: August 9, 1862 — Ops, Victoria Co Ontario, |
step-mother |
Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon Birth: about 1787 — Fermanagh Co, Ireland Death: after 1861 — OPS Victoria Co Ontario |
Marriage: November 16, 1841 — St Mary's Catholic Church in Lindsay |
Family with Margaret MARTIN |
himself |
Birth: about 1805 22 — Probably Monaghan Ireland Death: December 27, 1892 — North Dakota |
wife |
Margaret MARTIN Birth: about 1815 — Ireland Death: 1885 — Eddy Co North Dakota |
Marriage: before April 1840 — Monaghan Ireland |
17 months son |
Birth: August 17, 1841 36 26 — Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ireland Death: May 29, 1913 — Arvilla, Grand Forks Co, North Dakota |
9 years son |
Francis Thomas McCABE Birth: January 1851 46 36 — Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland Death: October 21, 1923 — Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota |
-5 years son |
Thomas McCABE Birth: about 1845 40 30 — (Probably) Monaghan Ireland Death: July 11, 1902 — OPS Victoria Co Ontario |
2 years son |
Patrick McCABE Birth: April 14, 1847 42 32 — Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire Death: November 1867 — OPS Victoria Co Ontario |
9 years son |
John McCABE Birth: June 23, 1856 51 41 — Magheracloone, Monaghan Death: 1861 — Monaghan |
Birth | It is difficult to know Francis' true birth year. Based on his age indicated in various documents, he could have been born: Year : Document 1816 Ship Manifest of John Bright in 1861. 1801 Census in Fenlon, Ontario in 1881 1805 Immigration records North Dakota in 1880s 1811 Census of Ops, Ont in 1871 1830 1885 census of Eddy Co, North Dakota(Obviously incorrect.) |
Marriage | Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and his wife, with no children, lived in a cottier's cottage in the townland of Agnalaert located in Magheracloone. The cottage was sublet from James Richards who had a lease from the Shirley Estate. It is likely that this James Richards was a relative of Francis' father's wife, Sarah Richards. Shirley Estate rental records and Tithe Applotment records show that James Richards had leased land in Aughanalart (sic) township from the 1820s through 1840. Frank McCabe subleased from James Richards in 1840, so it is probable that the newly wedded couple Frank and Margaret had moved into a vacant cottage next door to James. In the 1858 Griffith's Evaluation census of Magheracloone there are three Francis McCabe's listed. One in Tonaneve, one in Lavigilduff and one in Doagh, subletting from Thomas Martin. According to tombstone records from the church in Magheracloone, Francis of Lavigilduff died in Magheracloone in 1863. The Francis McCabe of Tonaneve was still on his land in 1865 according to the lease book. The entire Frank McCabe family immigrated to Canada in 1861. So it is likely that Frank McCabe and Margaret Martin were the family living in Doagh next to her kinsman, Thomas Martin, in 1858. Doagh, Corlea and Aughnalart (sic) - all townlands where records show that the Frank McCabe family had lived, are adjacent townlands in Magheracloone. |
Emigration | Francis' entire family came to New York on the ship John Bright. Michael came in 1859 and the rest came in 1861. JOHN BRIGHT The ship JOHN BRIGHT (built by William H. Webb, New York, in 1854: 1444 tons; 192 x 41 x 29 feet), R. C. Cutting, master, arrived at New York on 23 April 1858, having sailed from Liverpool (not Hamburg) on 22 March, with merchandise and passengersto Williams & Guion. Among the passengers were 89 Mormons, 80 from Scandinavia, and 9 from England, all under the leadership of Iver N. Iversen. This was the first of three voyages carrying organized groups of Mormons, the others being in 1866 and1868 (the ship itself was wrecked off the coast of Brazil in 1874). For further details on these three voyages, see J Bright, extracted from Conway B. Sonne, Ships, Saints, and Mariners: A Maritime Encyclopedia of Mormon Migration, 1830-1890 (SaltLake City : University of Utah Press, 1987). The American ship JOHN BRIGHT is not to be confused with the British bark of the same name, built in Dumbarton in 1847, which sailed on the Australian route. - {Posted to the Emigration-Ships Mailing List by Michale Palmer - 7 February 1998] |
Residence | Although not a direct lessee from the Shirley Estate, Frank and Margaret lived on Aughnalart townland for half a decade. Eventually James Richards gave up his lease and Frank's family moved around Magheracloone parish until they emigrated in 1861. It is possible that Francis and Patrick McCabe (his brother or cousis?) actually became lessees as one 1847 record found on a loose sheet in the Shirley Estate Records indicates. Several contemporary records show townlands where Francis lived: a. 1840, Aughnalart. Undertenant of James Richards. (Shireley Estate) b. Oct 1 1847, Aughnalart. "Lease renewal" record shows Francis McCabe may have paid on Aughnalart. (Shirley Estate) c. Jan 25 1851, Corlea. Birth of their son Francis on Corlea, next to Doagh.(Parish Records) e. 1855-1866. The baptism record of son John states That Francis and Margaret lived on Doagh. Various Valuation Lists show Francis McCabe as an undertenant of Thomas Martin on the Shirley Estate, but also shows he left during that period. (We know he arrived in NYC in 1861.) |
Homestead | Frank McCabe was an old man of about 70 when he homesteaded in Eddy County in (about) 1884. The first homestead was a Cash Entry purchase and the second was a "regular" homestead. He received title on the first claim in 1890 but did not live long enough to get title on the second. It was awarded to the Heirs of Frank McCabe in 1896 - Francis Jr. took possession. Frank McCabe and his son Francis Jr. had lived side by side on their properties in Eddy Co and, according to the homestead file, Frank had lived with his son for a while before moving back into his home on the first claim. The homestead file in the National archives contained a letter from Francis Jr. that gives the date of Frank's death and a separate letter indicated that Margaret McCabe, Frank's wife, was dead before 1887. |
Death | Date of death is reported in the papers filed by Francis' son Francis Jr. in order to get the patent on Francis' homestead in Eddy Co. ND. The papers are part of the Homestead file for Francis, located in the National Archives in Washington DC. |
Media object | Francis, Margaret and 3 sons arrived in NYC on May 23, 1861 on the ship John Bright from Liverpool. Note that there is a son named Patrick who was unknown to us previous to this record. |
Shared note | Frank and Margaret lived as newly weds on the townland of Aghanalart(sic) in Magheracloone in the early 1840s. Evidently they were still on the townland in 1847 since there was an entry in the 1847 renewals of leases, to wit: \"Names not listed in former list, Oct 21, 1847. Aghanalert: Pat McCabe,Fras McCabe, To go on. ...\" At some point Frank and his family moved to Corlea and then to Doagh townlands in the 1850s. Frank and his family immigrated from Magheracloone Monaghan in 1861. Records found in the NYC Public Library and in show: Francis age 45, Margaret age 40, Thomas 15, Patt 13 and Francis Jr. 7; May 23, 1861; New York City. Debarkation was from Liverpool. Ship: JOHN BRIGHT. Manifest ID 901706. In Steerage. Another record shows that Frank's son Michael had come to Canada earlier; to wit - Michael McCabe, age 18, ship JOHN BRIGHT. Oct 10, 1859. NYC from Liverpool. In Steerage. Manifest Id: 901485. According to the marriage entry in St Mary's Church for Michael McCABE and Mary McCABE, Francis McCABE and Margaret MARTIN lived in Laxton Township (north Victoria Co.) in 1864. A genealogist from the area stated that the family probably went up north to the logging camps to make some cash before starting their farms closer to Lindsay in southern Victoria county. According to the deed records in Victoria county, neither Frank or any of his sons ever owned land, except for the small interest in a farm on Concession 9 Lot 19 that Frank inherited from his father \"Old Francis McCabe\" in 1862. Obviously in search of more and cheaper land, Michael 'Big Mickey', his father Frank, his mother Margaret, and his brother Frank Jr. all immigrated to North Dakota about the same time, in 1882 and 1883. Francis Sr and Jr moved to Tiffany township outside New Rockford ND with their wives in 1883, on land that Michael had claimed the previous year. Michael took land in Hegton Twonship, Grand Forks Co, instead. Family lore is that Margaret MARTIN is buried on the farm at Tiffany but Francis is buried in Bellevue Cemetery in Larimore in an unmarked grave. A patent for land in Eddy Co was granted to Frank in 1887 and later another patent for more land was granted to the heirs of Frank McCabe in 1895. Margaret had died 10 years earlier and Frank had died in December of 1892. Thomas was the only son of Francis and Margaret to remain in Ops. In 1895 Thomas inherited the farm interest owned by his father and sold it immediately. (He paid his Aunt, Frank's sister Elizabeth Dunn, $1 for the undivided rights to the land before selling it. The Patrick Dunn family had worked the farm for many years before moving to Rochester NY about 1890.) |
Note | In 2006 research in the Shirley Estate records in the PRONI indicate that in 1840 Frank and Margaret were cottiers, living on a lease of James Richards in the townland of Aghanalart in Magheracloone. There were no other family members in the house and thus were probably newlweds in 1840. (Ref D/3531/M/5/1) Most likey James was a relative, either a brother or father of Sarah Richards. Parish records from Magheracloone verified that Frank and Margaret had a son named Patrick, baptized June 8, 1847. (Nat Lib Ire P.5774 ) This corroborates the record found in the NY ship arrivals that Frank and Margaret had a (previously unknown) son named Patrick of that age. In addition, a record was found for the birth of another (previously unknown) son John: Baptized June 23, 1856 Joannes McCabe, Doagh, Parents. Francesci et Margarita Martin. Godparents: Michael McCrann & Francesca Lamb. |
Marriage | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,067 × 932 pixels File size: 268 KB |
Census | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 973 × 377 pixels File size: 313 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no Note: The Griffith's Evaluation (Census) of Monagahan in 1858 shows that Francis lived on Doagh in a sublet from his (presumed) father-in-law Thomas Martin.
Emigration | Partial Passenger List for ship John Bright, May 23 1861. Format: application/pdf File size: 150 KB |
Residence | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,315 × 816 pixels File size: 919 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no |
Emigration | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,866 × 628 pixels File size: 1,176 KB Type: Document Note: Index into Immigration records at Grand Forks for Francis McCabe and Francis Jr in Aug of 1883. It shows that they originally appeared in USA in May of 1861 at port of NY.
Homestead | Homestead File from US Archives for first claim. Format: application/pdf File size: 214 KB |
Homestead | Homestead File from US Archives for second claim. Format: application/pdf File size: 220 KB |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,720 × 1,349 pixels File size: 1,176 KB Highlighted image: no |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 560 × 368 pixels File size: 58 KB Type: Photo Highlighted image: yes |
Media object | Partial Passenger List for ship John Bright, May 23, 1861. Format: application/pdf File size: 150 KB Note: Francis, Margaret and 3 sons arrived in NYC on May 23, 1861 on the ship John Bright from Liverpool. Note that there is a son named Patrick who was unknown to us previous to this record.
Media object | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 973 × 377 pixels File size: 313 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no Note: The Griffith's Evaluation (Census) of Monagahan in 1858 shows that Francis lived on Doagh in a sublet from his (presumed) father-in-law Thomas Martin.