Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Annie McCabe

Elizabeth Ann “Annie” McCABEAge: 61 years18701932

Elizabeth Ann “Annie” McCABE
Given names
Elizabeth Ann
Birth December 3, 1870 29 27
Note: Records of St Mary's Parish in Lindsay (hard to read) state that Elizabeth Ann was born on 3 Dec 1870, baptized on 12 Dec 1870, born to the lawful marriage of Michael McCabe and Mary McCabe. It is assumed that this is the baby called Elizabeth in the 1871 census but called Annie in the 1881 census.
Birth of a sisterMary “Minnie” McCABE
September 7, 1872 (Age 21 months)

Note: Mary and Minnie may be the same peron. Minnie is known to have been a young girl in the family in N…

Birth of a brotherMichael John McCABE
December 18, 1873 (Age 3 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherJane MULDOON
October 13, 1875 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherPatrick Henry McCABE
October 23, 1875 (Age 4 years)
Burial of a maternal grandmotherJane MULDOON
1875 (Age 4 years)
Cemetery: St Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Lindsay ONT
Baptism of a brotherPatrick Henry McCABE
October 24, 1875 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherFrancis Peter McCABE
August 10, 1877 (Age 6 years)
Francis McCabe Birth Record, Ops Ontario 1877
Francis McCabe Birth Record, Ops Ontario 1877

Note: Grandpa Frank always claimed Aug 10 as his birthday. The official record in Ontario has Sept 5 as his birth day. This was probably the day the birth was reported, not actual birth day.

Baptism of a brotherFrancis Peter McCABE
September 23, 1877 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterCatherine McCABE
November 1880 (Age 9 years)
Baptism of a sisterCatherine McCABE
November 28, 1880 (Age 9 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMargaret MARTIN
1885 (Age 14 years)
Note: Margaret is known to be alive in 1885 because her name appears in the 1885 census of Eddy County ND.
Birth of a brotherArthur Ben McCABE
August 17, 1888 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a brotherArthur Ben McCABE
August 17, 1888 (Age 17 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherMichael McCABE
December 30, 1888 (Age 18 years)
Burial of a maternal grandfatherMichael McCABE
January 1, 1889 (Age 18 years)
Cemetery: Catholic Cemetery
Note: Burial record is recorded in latin in the records of St. Mary's in Lindsay. Remains were moved to St Mary's Cemetery in Lindsay.
Fact 3
Teacher at Hegton 42
1889 (Age 18 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherFrancis “Red” McCABE
December 27, 1892 (Age 22 years)
Note: Date of death is reported in the papers filed by Francis' son Francis Jr. in order to get the patent on Francis' homestead in Eddy Co. ND. The papers are part of the Homestead file for Francis, located in the National Archives in Washington DC.
Death of a sisterMary “Minnie” McCABE
before 1895 (Age 24 years)

Note: Some have claimed that Minnie was buried on the original farm in Hegton Township.
Death of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 26 years)
Cause: Typhoid fever
Death of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 26 years)
Burial of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 26 years)
Cemetery: Bellevue Cemetery, Larimore
Death of a brotherThomas McCABE
January 7, 1898 (Age 27 years)

Death of a fatherMichael McCABE
May 29, 1913 (Age 42 years)
Note: Death Announcement(May 30, 1913):

Death 1932 (Age 61 years)
Note: Annie's Obituary: Larimore, ND , Feb 2, - (Special)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 8, 1864Lindsay, Ontario
10 months
elder brother
Thomas McCabe in Grand Forks PhotoThomas McCABE
Birth: December 18, 1864 23 21Lindsay, Ontario Canada
Death: January 7, 1898Grand Forks, ND
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
22 months
21 months
younger sister
15 months
younger brother
Michael John "Jack" McCabeMichael John McCABE
Birth: December 18, 1873 32 30Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
Death: January 31, 1950Seattle, King. Washington State
22 months
younger brother
22 months
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
8 years
younger brother
Family with Ed KRAUSE - View this family


Records of St Mary's Parish in Lindsay (hard to read) state that Elizabeth Ann was born on 3 Dec 1870, baptized on 12 Dec 1870, born to the lawful marriage of Michael McCabe and Mary McCabe. It is assumed that this is the baby called Elizabeth in the 1871 census but called Annie in the 1881 census.


Annie's Obituary: Larimore, ND , Feb 2, - (Special)

Mrs. Edward Krause, 60 years old, prominent wester Grand Forks county woman since 1883, died at her home in Arvilla today after a short illness.

She appeared to be in good health until Sunday when she became seriously ill. Diabetes was the cause of her death.

Mrs Krause was born in Lindsay, Ont, and lived there until coming with her parents to a farm north of Arvilla, April 19, 1833. After her marriage to Edward Krause the couple moved in 1907 into the village of Arvilla. Her husband, two sisters and five brothers survive. There were no children. The sisters are Mrs. M.J. Connelly and Mrs T.J. Crawley both of Seattle and James B. and Patrick McCabe of Larimore, Ben McCabe of Arvilla, J.J. McCabe of Castor, Alberta, and Frank McCabe of Rio Hondo, Tex., are her brothers.

Funeral service will be held Thursday at 9 A.M. in St. Stephens Catholic church in Larimore with Rev. J.F. Simpson officiating.

Shared note

THE GFC Heritage Book v2 (p169) shows Annie McCabe Krause as the owner of a quarter of section 27 in Hegton Township.

Sis' papers say she had no children.

Annie lived in Arvilla and took care of her father Michael after he moved off the farm. Annie etched "Goodbye old house Annie McCabe" on a window in the house that Michael McCABE built on the old homestead in Hegton Twshp. Mary Lempe has the old window now at her house.

Uncle Gene McCABE said that he stayed with Aunt Annie when he was a boy so that he could go to school in Arvilla.

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