Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Michael John "Jack" McCabe

Michael John McCABEAge: 76 years18731950

Michael John McCABE
Birth December 18, 1873 32 30
Jack /McCabe/

Death of a maternal grandmotherJane MULDOON
October 13, 1875 (Age 21 months)
Birth of a brotherPatrick Henry McCABE
October 23, 1875 (Age 22 months)
Burial of a maternal grandmotherJane MULDOON
1875 (Age 12 months)
Cemetery: St Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Lindsay ONT

Note: In 1910 Michael John (Jack), along with his brothers, bought land in Alberta and intended to move th…
Baptism of a brotherPatrick Henry McCABE
October 24, 1875 (Age 22 months)
Birth of a brotherFrancis Peter McCABE
August 10, 1877 (Age 3 years)
Francis McCabe Birth Record, Ops Ontario 1877
Francis McCabe Birth Record, Ops Ontario 1877

Note: Grandpa Frank always claimed Aug 10 as his birthday. The official record in Ontario has Sept 5 as his birth day. This was probably the day the birth was reported, not actual birth day.

Baptism of a brotherFrancis Peter McCABE
September 23, 1877 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterCatherine McCABE
November 1880 (Age 6 years)
Baptism of a sisterCatherine McCABE
November 28, 1880 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMargaret MARTIN
1885 (Age 11 years)
Note: Margaret is known to be alive in 1885 because her name appears in the 1885 census of Eddy County ND.
Birth of a brotherArthur Ben McCABE
August 17, 1888 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a brotherArthur Ben McCABE
August 17, 1888 (Age 14 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherMichael McCABE
December 30, 1888 (Age 15 years)
Burial of a maternal grandfatherMichael McCABE
January 1, 1889 (Age 15 years)
Cemetery: Catholic Cemetery
Note: Burial record is recorded in latin in the records of St. Mary's in Lindsay. Remains were moved to St Mary's Cemetery in Lindsay.
Death of a paternal grandfatherFrancis “Red” McCABE
December 27, 1892 (Age 19 years)
Note: Date of death is reported in the papers filed by Francis' son Francis Jr. in order to get the patent on Francis' homestead in Eddy Co. ND. The papers are part of the Homestead file for Francis, located in the National Archives in Washington DC.
Death of a sisterMary “Minnie” McCABE
before 1895 (Age 21 years)

Note: Some have claimed that Minnie was buried on the original farm in Hegton Township.
Death of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 23 years)
Cause: Typhoid fever
Death of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 23 years)
Burial of a motherMary Rebecca McCABE
November 15, 1897 (Age 23 years)
Cemetery: Bellevue Cemetery, Larimore
Death of a brotherThomas McCABE
January 7, 1898 (Age 24 years)

Property 1904 (Age 30 years)

Residence 1907 (Age 33 years)

Residence 1912 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherMichael McCABE
May 29, 1913 (Age 39 years)
Note: Death Announcement(May 30, 1913):

Census 1915 (Age 41 years)
Note: I am not certain this is Uncle Jack because in 1925 census there was an elderly John Mccabe in Arvilla that was definitely not him.
Census 1916 (Age 42 years)
Note: In 1916 John McCabe was a grain buyer living in a boarding house in Castor.
Census 1921 (Age 47 years)
Note: The national census of Canada, Castor Alberta has an entry:
Death of a sisterElizabeth Ann “Annie” McCABE
1932 (Age 58 years)
Note: Annie's Obituary: Larimore, ND , Feb 2, - (Special)
Residence 1932 (Age 58 years)
Note: According to his sister Annie Krause's obituary, Jack was in Castor Alberta at the time of her death in 1932.
Residence 1938 (Age 64 years)
Note: From a story about Jack McCabe from Beth Naert:
Death of a brotherPatrick Henry McCABE
December 7, 1945 (Age 71 years)
Death January 31, 1950 (Age 76 years)
Note: From Washingon State Digitized state records:
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 8, 1864Lindsay, Ontario
10 months
elder brother
Thomas McCabe in Grand Forks PhotoThomas McCABE
Birth: December 18, 1864 23 21Lindsay, Ontario Canada
Death: January 7, 1898Grand Forks, ND
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
22 months
elder sister
21 months
elder sister
15 months
Michael John "Jack" McCabeMichael John McCABE
Birth: December 18, 1873 32 30Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
Death: January 31, 1950Seattle, King. Washington State
22 months
younger brother
22 months
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
8 years
younger brother


I am not certain this is Uncle Jack because in 1925 census there was an elderly John Mccabe in Arvilla that was definitely not him.


In 1916 John McCabe was a grain buyer living in a boarding house in Castor.


The national census of Canada, Castor Alberta has an entry:

John McCabe, Grain Buyer, Single, Father from Ireland, Mother from Ontario, Lived in a Hotel in City of Castor, Employed by Grain Elevator, born in Canada, Catholic. Age of 39 is wrong, but that's not unusual.


According to his sister Annie Krause's obituary, Jack was in Castor Alberta at the time of her death in 1932.


From a story about Jack McCabe from Beth Naert:

I just happened to be here with Mom and she told me her story about Uncle Jack. He stopped by the farm in Arvilla late 1930-early 1940 to visit with her dad, Ben. He told her he was cutting ice in Whitefish MT. FYI...Huge icehouse in Whitefish that cut ice for "refrigerated" railroad cars. He mentioned his friend, Charlie Russell. Dad said Charlie Russell had a cabin on Lake McDonald but he died in 1929. Maybe they crossed somewhere up there. Also she said she read his name in a biography of Charlie Russell. Dad helped rewire the cabin in 1955 for the owner that had bought it from Charlie Russell.


In 1910 Michael John (Jack), along with his brothers, bought land in Alberta and intended to move their farming operations to Canada. At the time of their father's death in 1913, Frank and Jack were in Castor area. According to the obituary, Frank and Jack attended the funeral and then returned to Canada.

From the Grand Forks Herald July 12, 1912: "Arvilla. John McCabe of Crary spend the Fourth here with relatives. He has resigned his position at Crary with the St Anthony and Dakota Elevator Co and expects to start for Castor Alberta soon."

From the Glenbow museum archives in Alberta: Call Number: M 2272, volume 178, contract number ID-91 Date of Purchase: 1910 MARCH 15 Purchaser(s): McCABE, MICHAEL Land Description: NW / NE / SE / SW-23-36-14-W4 Number of Acres: 640 Price per Acre: $13.00 Status of Purchase: UNCERTAIN


From Washingon State Digitized state records:

John McCabe - Michael McCabe, Mary McCabe Collection: Washington State Death Records Da Reference Number: {AC65EA80-F9BE-474F-8C35-28751D464D5F} Image Number: 386 Document Number: 63 Document Reference Id: 2277 Name: John Mccabe Date Of Death: 31 Jan 1950 Age: 76 Gender: Male Father Name: Michael McCabe Mother Name: Mary McCabe Batch Id: 277858 Batch Locality: Washington, United States Death Place: Seattle, King, Washington

Shared note

Sis' papers say "Jack" never married. In The History of Catholicism in Larimore, author Tine McCabe Hunt says that she found 1884-1886 confirmation records of St Stephen's listed her father JB McCabe, and uncles Frank, John and Pat McCabe among those listed.

Everybody called him Jack, not Michael.

Supposedly he was a friend of the artist Jack Russell out west. He ended up in Washington. Grandpa Frank got to see him in the 1950's when he made his last trip out west to visit his siblings. He and Dolores took his old Nash for the trip after he retired from the post office at Rio Hondo.

PropertyArticle from Grand Forks Herald in 1909Article from Grand Forks Herald in 1909
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PropertyBLM Patent for Jack's Land in Ward Co
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ResidenceGF Herald, June 1907 Arvilla News Article - Jack in CandoGF Herald, June 1907 Arvilla News Article - Jack in Cando
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ResidenceJohn McCabe - 1908 - Grain Buyer in CandoJohn McCabe - 1908 - Grain Buyer in Cando
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Type: Newspaper
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CensusJohn McCabe, Census of Alberta Canada, 1916John McCabe, Census of Alberta Canada, 1916
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Media objectMichael John "Jack" McCabeMichael John "Jack" McCabe
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Media objectJack and Jim McCabeJack and Jim McCabe
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Media objectJack McCabe in trenchcoatJack McCabe in trenchcoat
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Media objectJack McCabe With Unknown WomanJack McCabe With Unknown Woman
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Media objectA Young Jack McCabeA Young Jack McCabe
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