Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Portrait of Theodora McIllhargey McCabe

Theodora Louise McILLHARGEYAge: 88 years18741962

Theodora Louise McILLHARGEY
Married name
Theodora Louise McCABE
Birth December 19, 1874
Dora /McIlhargey/

Fact 1
St Patrick's, Lucan, Ontario
January 1, 1875 (Age 13 days)

MarriageJames Bernard McCABEView this family
January 24, 189910:14:59 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Patricia “Doll” McCABE
March 12, 1901 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Gertrude McCABE
February 14, 1903 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Margarite McCABE
March 13, 1905 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a daughter
Kathleen McCABE
February 1, 1908 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a daughter
Monica McCABE
June 20, 1913 (Age 38 years)

Death of a daughterMonica McCABE
May 23, 1914 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Rita Louise McCABE
October 22, 1916 (Age 41 years)

Birth of a daughter
Theodora Veronica McCABE
October 8, 1918 (Age 43 years)

Death of a daughterTheodora Veronica McCABE
December 17, 1919 (Age 44 years)
Death December 20, 1962 (Age 88 years)

Family with James Bernard McCABE - View this family
Marriage: January 24, 1899St. Mary's, Lindsay, Victoria, Ontario, Canada
2 years
Mary Patricia “Doll” McCABE
Birth: March 12, 1901 32 26Larimore, Grand Forks County, ND
Death: August 13, 1998Grand Forks Co, North Dakota
23 months
Gertrude McCabe in 1927Gertrude McCABE
Birth: February 14, 1903 34 28Gilby, Grand Forks, ND
Death: April 18, 1996Northwood, Grand Forks, ND
2 years
3 years
9 years
2 years
-5 years


1881 Ontario Census


St Mary's Church Records, Lindsay Personal Observation. Books perused by Tom and Susie McCabe in 1993

Shared note


Listed as Dora in 1881 Ontario census. I originally had that she was born in Lindsay, but Sis' papers say she was born in London Ontario, and moved as a baby in 1875 with her parents to Lindsay.

Theodora's 5 girls were known by their nicknames: Baby, Sis, Tiny (or Tine), Doll, and Cart. They used to say "Baby sister's tiny doll cart."

The GFC Heritage Book v2 (p169) shows the south 1/2 of Hegton Twsp section 10 in Theodora McCabe's name. It also shows the SE 1/4 of Hegton Twsp section 3 in her name.

Sis' papers say Dora's Godfather was Zachariah McIlhargey (probably her father Patrick's brother), and her Godmother was Mrs. Jane Frank Wells, the wife of Charles Wells, her father Patrick's cousin.

Media objectTheodora's ObituaryTheodora's Obituary
Format: image/gif
Image dimensions: 324 × 1,004 pixels
File size: 20 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectPortrait of Theodora McIllhargey McCabePortrait of Theodora McIllhargey McCabe
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 444 × 696 pixels
File size: 139 KB
Type: Painting
Highlighted image: yes