Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Margaret MARTINAge: 70 years18151885

Margaret MARTIN
Married name
Margaret McCABE
Birth about 1815
MarriageFrancis “Red” McCABEView this family
before April 1840 (Age 25 years)
Note: Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and h…
Birth of a son
Michael McCABE
August 17, 1841 (Age 26 years)
Note: Michael's death certificate states his birth date was Aug 17, 1842, but the informant probably had t…
Birth of a son
Thomas McCABE
about 1845 (Age 30 years)
Note: The 1901 census in Ops, Victoria Co Ont says that Thomas was born in Dec 1842. That is earlier than other records indicate.
Birth of a son
Patrick McCABE
April 14, 1847 (Age 32 years)
Note: Sponsors were Thomas Martin and Betty McCabe.
Birth of a son
Francis Thomas McCABE
January 1851 (Age 36 years)
Note: The date of Francis' birthday is questionable. The only possible entry in the Magheracloone Parish …
Birth of a son
June 23, 1856 (Age 41 years)
Note: Entry from the parish records of Magheracloone Monaghan: June 23, 1856. Joannes McCABE, Doagh. Son of Francisci et Margarita MARTIN. Sponsor Michael McCram and Francisca Lamb.
Death of a sonJohn McCABE
1861 (Age 46 years)
Note: John was not with the family when they came to Canada in 1861, which probably means he had died before then.
Marriage of a childMichael McCABEMary Rebecca McCABEView this family
February 8, 1864 (Age 49 years)
Death of a fatherThomas MARTIN
about 1865 (Age 50 years)
Death of a sonPatrick McCABE
November 1867 (Age 52 years) Age: 19
Note: This is most likely record for Patrick's death.
Marriage of a childThomas McCABECatherine ONEILView this family
May 14, 1876 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childFrancis Thomas McCABEMary Ann HERRONView this family
October 25, 1880 (Age 65 years)
Aka (Facts Page)
Death 1885 (Age 70 years)
Note: Margaret is known to be alive in 1885 because her name appears in the 1885 census of Eddy County ND.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Francis “Red” McCABE - View this family
Marriage: before April 1840Monaghan Ireland
17 months
9 years
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
-5 years
2 years
Patrick McCABE
Birth: April 14, 1847 42 32Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
Death: November 1867OPS Victoria Co Ontario
9 years


Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and his wife, with no children, lived in a cottier's cottage in the townland of Agnalaert located in Magheracloone. The cottage was sublet from James Richards who had a lease from the Shirley Estate. It is likely that this James Richards was a relative of Francis' father's wife, Sarah Richards. Shirley Estate rental records and Tithe Applotment records show that James Richards had leased land in Aughanalart (sic) township from the 1820s through 1840. Frank McCabe subleased from James Richards in 1840, so it is probable that the newly wedded couple Frank and Margaret had moved into a vacant cottage next door to James.

In the 1858 Griffith's Evaluation census of Magheracloone there are three Francis McCabe's listed. One in Tonaneve, one in Lavigilduff and one in Doagh, subletting from Thomas Martin. According to tombstone records from the church in Magheracloone, Francis of Lavigilduff died in Magheracloone in 1863. The Francis McCabe of Tonaneve was still on his land in 1865 according to the lease book. The entire Frank McCabe family immigrated to Canada in 1861. So it is likely that Frank McCabe and Margaret Martin were the family living in Doagh next to her kinsman, Thomas Martin, in 1858. Doagh, Corlea and Aughnalart (sic) - all townlands where records show that the Frank McCabe family had lived, are adjacent townlands in Magheracloone.


Margaret is known to be alive in 1885 because her name appears in the 1885 census of Eddy County ND.

Frank McCABE's application for homestead patent in 1887 states that his wife (Margaret) was dead. Other details indicate, but are not conclusive, that she was dead for at least 18 months before the application.

Media object

Francis, Margaret and 3 sons arrived in NYC on May 23, 1861 on the ship John Bright from Liverpool. Note that there is a son named Patrick who was unknown to us previous to this record.


Margaret's parents have not been deternined but it is probable that Margaret's father was Thomas Martin of Doagh in Magheracloone. The Griffiths Evaluation for Maghercloone indicates that Frank McCabe was subleasing from Thomas Martin on the Shirley Estate. This census was taken just a couple of years before Frank and Margaret moved to Canada.

In Dublin at the Valuation Office it is possible to trace the ownership and lease records of a piece of property after 1855. Research there shows that Thomas Martin's successors to his 21 acre lease on the townland of Doagh were: Patrick Martin (circa 1866), Catherine Martin (a widow, before 1900), Peter Martin (her son) before 1912, continuing at least until 1932.

Marriage1840 Map where Richards family lived in Magheracloone (Shirley Estate Bog Map)1840 Map where Richards family lived in Magheracloone (Shirley Estate Bog Map)
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Media objectPartial Passenger List for ship John Bright, May 23, 1861.
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Note: Francis, Margaret and 3 sons arrived in NYC on May 23, 1861 on the ship John Bright from Liverpool. Note that there is a son named Patrick who was unknown to us previous to this record.
Media objectFrancis McCabe Sublet From Thomas Martin 1858Francis McCabe Sublet From Thomas Martin 1858
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Note: The Griffith's Evaluation (Census) of Monagahan in 1858 shows that Francis lived on Doagh in a sublet from his (presumed) father-in-law Thomas Martin.