Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Francis Thomas McCABEAge: 72 years18511923

Francis Thomas McCABE
Given names
Francis Thomas
Birth January 1851 46 36
Note: The date of Francis' birthday is questionable. The only possible entry in the Magheracloone Parish …
Birth of a brotherJohn McCABE
June 23, 1856 (Age 5 years)
Note: Entry from the parish records of Magheracloone Monaghan: June 23, 1856. Joannes McCABE, Doagh. Son of Francisci et Margarita MARTIN. Sponsor Michael McCram and Francisca Lamb.
Emigration 1861 (Age 10 years)
Note: Francis McCabe's Application for Citizenship states he emigrated through the Port of New York in 186…
Death of a brotherJohn McCABE
1861 (Age 10 years)
Note: John was not with the family when they came to Canada in 1861, which probably means he had died before then.
Death of a paternal grandfatherFrancis McCABE
August 9, 1862 (Age 11 years)
Note: Entry from BRITISH PENSIONERS ABROAD by Norman Crowder: pp 243 "Fra McCabe, pension awarded 7 June…

Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas MARTIN
about 1865 (Age 14 years)
Death of a brotherPatrick McCABE
November 1867 (Age 16 years) Age: 19
Note: This is most likely record for Patrick's death.
MarriageMary Ann HERRONView this family
October 25, 1880 (Age 29 years)
Death of a motherMargaret MARTIN
1885 (Age 34 years)
Note: Margaret is known to be alive in 1885 because her name appears in the 1885 census of Eddy County ND.
Death of a fatherFrancis “Red” McCABE
December 27, 1892 (Age 41 years)
Note: Date of death is reported in the papers filed by Francis' son Francis Jr. in order to get the patent on Francis' homestead in Eddy Co. ND. The papers are part of the Homestead file for Francis, located in the National Archives in Washington DC.
Birth of a son
Francis Thomas McCABE
October 1898 (Age 47 years)
Birth of a son
William G McCABE
March 1900 (Age 49 years)
Death of a brotherThomas McCABE
July 11, 1902 (Age 51 years)
Death of a sonWilliam G McCABE
August 4, 1911 (Age 60 years)
Death of a brotherMichael McCABE
May 29, 1913 (Age 62 years)
Note: Death Announcement(May 30, 1913):

Death October 21, 1923 (Age 72 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before April 1840Monaghan Ireland
17 months
elder brother
9 years
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
-5 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
Patrick McCABE
Birth: April 14, 1847 42 32Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
Death: November 1867OPS Victoria Co Ontario
9 years
younger brother
Family with Mary Ann HERRON - View this family
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
Marriage: October 25, 1880Lindsay Ontario
18 years
18 months


The date of Francis' birthday is questionable. The only possible entry in the Magheracloone Parish records gives his baptism date as Jan 25, 1851. But his age on the immigrant ship records, marriage records, census records all point to 1853-54. However, his death record in Eddy ND says he was born in 1847. It is possible that, there were two sons named Francis - the first one having died in infancy. It was common to repeat the choice of a child's name, especially if it was a namesake.

From the Magheracloone Parish Records: Jan 25, 1851. Francis McCabe of Corlea, son of Francis McCabe and Margaret Martin. Sponsors were James Ward and Mary Martin.


Francis McCabe's Application for Citizenship states he emigrated through the Port of New York in 1861 and was born in 1854.

Francis and his parents lived in Ontario from 1861 until 1883.

Shared note

Sis' papers: Frank and his wife came with his brother Michael and family. Michael gave Frank his land near New Rockford. Frank "Red" had 2 sons, one died while a young lad.

ND Naturalization records list a Francis Jr., from Ireland, declaring on 8/18/1883 in GFC. Vol D6, pg106. And Francis, possibly the same person, from Ireland, was designated a citizen on 10/25/1894 in GFC. Vol F24, pg625.

Found obits : Oct 26, 1923 in "New Rockford Transcript" and Oct 25. 1923 in "Farmers Provost" of New Rockford.

Died as a result of a fall from hayloft. Info in obit is (probably) in error - had the wrong birth year and wrong year of coming to North Dakota.

BirthBaptism Record For Francis McCabe, May 1851 MagheraclooneBaptism Record For Francis McCabe, May 1851 Magheracloone
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EmigrationFrancis McCabe Jrs Application for CitizenshipFrancis McCabe Jrs Application for Citizenship
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MarriageFrancis McCabe's Marriage Entry Lindsay Parish RecordsFrancis McCabe's Marriage Entry Lindsay Parish Records
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DeathOfficial Death Certificate
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File size: 39 KB
Media objectFrancis and Mary's Marriage Entry in Toronto ArchivesFrancis and Mary's Marriage Entry in Toronto Archives
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