Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Francis T McCabe Wedding Day, 1951

Francis Thomas McCABEAge: 95 years18981994

Francis Thomas McCABE
Given names
Francis Thomas
Birth October 1898 47 38
Birth of a brotherWilliam G McCABE
March 1900 (Age 17 months)
Death of a brotherWilliam G McCABE
August 4, 1911 (Age 12 years)
Military 1917 (Age 18 years)
Note: Francis T McCabe draft registration showed his mother's name, his birth date, and residence.
Death of a fatherFrancis Thomas McCABE
October 21, 1923 (Age 25 years)
Death of a motherMary Ann HERRON
April 16, 1928 (Age 29 years)
MarriageIda LIESView this family
November 7, 1951 (Age 53 years)
Death of a wifeIda LIES
March 14, 1985 (Age 86 years)
Note: From findagrave for Ida Lies:
Death March 5, 1994 (Age 95 years)
Cemetery: St Josephs Catholic Cemetery
Note: From findagrave.
Family with parents - View this family
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
Marriage: October 25, 1880Lindsay Ontario
18 years
18 months
younger brother
Family with Ida LIES - View this family
Marriage: November 7, 1951Eddy Co, ND


Francis T McCabe draft registration showed his mother's name, his birth date, and residence.


Fargo Forum Obituary Index.


From findagrave.

Shared note

Sis papers: Lived at New Rockford

Mary Lempe says that Francis left a McCabe bible with the Larimore McCabe sometime before he died. He was the last McCabe to live at the New Rockford/Tiffany site that Michael and his father and brother had homesteaded starting in 1882. Francis T had no children.

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Media objectFrancis T McCabe Wedding Day, 1951Francis T McCabe Wedding Day, 1951
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 89 × 129 pixels
File size: 25 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectFrancs T McCabe and Ida Lies Wedding, 1951Francs T McCabe and Ida Lies Wedding, 1951
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 327 × 500 pixels
File size: 41 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes