Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Michael McCabe Jr. of Ops

Michael McCABEAge: 48 years18471895

Michael McCABE
Birth February 1847 38 26
Baptism February 20, 1847
Birth of a sisterAnn Jane McCABE
March 28, 1849 (Age 2 years)
Baptism of a sisterAnn Jane McCABE
April 18, 1849 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherArthur McCABE
about 1851 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJames Bernard McCABE
July 13, 1853 (Age 6 years)
Note: Church records state James was born July 30, 1853. James' Naturalization application states July 13, 1853.
Birth of a sisterElizabeth McCABE
July 28, 1855 (Age 8 years)
Baptism of a sisterElizabeth McCABE
August 5, 1855 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a brotherPatrick McCABE
April 20, 1857 (Age 10 years)
Baptism of a brotherPatrick McCABE
May 3, 1857 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a brotherWilliam John McCABE
August 18, 1859 (Age 12 years)
Census 1861 (Age 13 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherRebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
after 1861 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a sisterRose Ellen McCABE
February 2, 1863 (Age 16 years)
Baptism of a sisterRose Ellen McCABE
March 3, 1863 (Age 16 years)
Death of a motherJane MULDOON
October 13, 1875 (Age 28 years)
Burial of a motherJane MULDOON
1875 (Age 27 years)
Cemetery: St Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Lindsay ONT
Institutionalized into Insane Hospital
January 31, 1884 (Age 36 years)
Note: It is certain that Michael McCabe who died in the Mimico Asylum is the son of Michael McCabe of Ops.…

Note: Michael's entry in the Asylum book is the last entry on each of the two pages. His patient number is 5721 (not seen.)

Death of a fatherMichael McCABE
December 30, 1888 (Age 41 years)
Burial of a fatherMichael McCABE
January 1, 1889 (Age 41 years)
Cemetery: Catholic Cemetery
Note: Burial record is recorded in latin in the records of St. Mary's in Lindsay. Remains were moved to St Mary's Cemetery in Lindsay.
Death September 21, 1895 (Age 48 years)
Note: Death was published in the Lindsay Papers. In addition an entry in the Ontario Death Records indicated that Michael died in the Mimico Hospital (For the Insane) outside of Toronto.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1842St. Mary's Church, Lindsay, Ontario
13 months
elder sister
3 years
Michael McCabe Jr. of OpsMichael McCABE
Birth: February 1847 38 26OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
Death: September 21, 1895Mimico Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Elizabeth McCABE
Birth: July 28, 1855 46 34OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
Death: June 14, 1913OPs Township, Victoria County, Ontario
21 months
younger brother
Pat McCabe of MinnPatrick McCABE
Birth: April 20, 1857 48 36OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
Death: March 17, 1930OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
2 years
younger brother
Bill McCabe, Lindsay, OntarioWilliam John McCABE
Birth: August 18, 1859 50 38OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
Death: October 4, 1934OPS Township, Victoria County, Ontario
4 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Mary Daly - View this family


It is certain that Michael McCabe who died in the Mimico Asylum is the son of Michael McCabe of Ops. According to the Lindsay Police Court (July 1854 to April 1887, microfilm located in Lindsay Library), on Jan 8, 1884 Michael McCabe Sr appeared and filed a complaint against his son Michael McCabe Jr., declaring that he was insane and "dangerous to be at large." The Magisrate committed Michael Jr. to the Queen Street Asylum in Toronto.

In the Archives of Toronto were found records (MCS 640 RG10 20-B-3 Reel 2) that summarized Michael's stay at the Queen's Street Asylum. He was assigned inmate number 5721 for his incarceration. He remained in that institution for seven years when he was sent to the related Mimico Asylum in July 1891. Michael's entry in the Patient Book was found in the asylum but it contained little information except that he suffered from Epilepsy since his childhood, suffered seizures almost daily and could be dangerous. The doctor also stated that Michael was getting "stupider" , indicating that the seizures were deteriorating his cognitive abilities. He suffered a severe burn during one of his seizures in 1894 and died a few months later during a seizure.


Death was published in the Lindsay Papers. In addition an entry in the Ontario Death Records indicated that Michael died in the Mimico Hospital (For the Insane) outside of Toronto.


Newspaper article in Lindsay paper in 1888 stated that Michael and James McCabe were visiting from the Dakotas, after 12 years absence, to visit their father Michael McCabe of South Ops. It is not clear that the article was correct about the identity of Michael since he was present in Ops in the 1881 census. Perhaps the report confused Michael with one his brothers Patrick or Arthur, who certainly had moved to the Dakotas some years earlier.

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Note: Michael's entry in the Asylum book is the last entry on each of the two pages. His patient number is 5721 (not seen.)
Media objectMichael McCabe Jr. of OpsMichael McCabe Jr. of Ops
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