Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jane SAUNDERS Griffin

Jane SAUNDERSAge: 69 years18211890

Married name
Birth about 1821 30 24
Note: It is likely that Jane is the daughter of James Saunders of Knocknaboley, County Wicklow. The Tithe …
Birth of a sisterMargaret SAUNDERS
June 8, 1824 (Age 3 years)
Note: From Public Tree: Freeborn Family Tree
Birth of a brotherJames SAUNDERS
1826 (Age 5 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMargaret STRAHAN
after 1825 (Age 4 years)
Note: Margaret STRAHAN Saunders was still alive in Aug 1825. She was the sponsor for her granddaughter Mar…
Death of a paternal grandfatherAndrew SAUNDERS
1828 (Age 7 years)
Note: The image: A remnant of the Probate Index for Ireland shows Andrew Saunders had died by 1828 found o…

Birth of a brotherWilliam SAUNDERS
August 24, 1834 (Age 13 years)
Note: According to 1901 Census of Huron Co.
Birth of a brotherJohn SAUNDERS
1839 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas SAUNDERS
1841 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a sisterAnn SAUNDERS
1841 (Age 20 years)
MarriageThomas GRIFFINView this family
April 11, 1844 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
February 5, 1845 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Margaret Jane GRIFFIN
November 17, 1846 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a daughter
June 8, 1849 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
March 19, 1852 (Age 31 years)
Note: Thomas was probably born in Cartwright Township, Durham Co Ontario. His parents had immigrated from Ireland just a year before his birth and were living in Cartwright in the 1851 and 1861 censuses.
Birth of a son
October 24, 1854 (Age 33 years)
Note: Entry from Record Book of St John's Parish, Blackpool, Cartwright Township found in the Anglican Arc…
Marriage of a childEzekiel PhairMargaret Jane GRIFFINView this family
February 13, 1866 (Age 45 years)
Birth of a son
Albert James GRIFFIN
May 31, 1866 (Age 45 years)

Marriage of a childJohn GRIFFINMary GILESView this family
March 13, 1873 (Age 52 years)
Marriage of a childJohn DYNESMary Ann GRIFFINView this family
1875 (Age 54 years)
Note: Name of Groom: John Dynes
Death of a fatherJames SAUNDERS
December 21, 1875 (Age 54 years)
Note: It is reported that James Saunders was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in nearby Prince Albert Ontario.
Marriage of a childThomas GRIFFINEllen MILNEView this family
January 29, 1878 (Age 57 years)
Marriage of a childPeter GRIFFINJane Maud “Jennie” MILNEView this family
July 15, 1880 (Age 59 years)

Death of a motherMary
March 22, 1882 (Age 61 years)
Death of a husbandThomas GRIFFIN
July 29, 1887 (Age 66 years)
Census 1891 (Age 70 years)
Note: The census shows Jane Griffin, age 70, living with Ezekial Phair and she is listed as his Mother-In-Law. Ezekial was the husband of Jane's daughter Margaret.
Death after 1890 (Age 69 years)

Note: Jane was listed with her daughter Margaret Phair's family in Forwich in 1891 census of Ontario.
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
6 years
younger sister
-2 years
14 years
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
-14 years
younger brother
16 years
younger sister
Family with Thomas GRIFFIN - View this family
Marriage: April 11, 1844Co Wicklow, Ireland
10 months
21 months
3 years
3 years
3 years
12 years


It is likely that Jane is the daughter of James Saunders of Knocknaboley, County Wicklow. The Tithe Applotment for Knocknaboley of 1824 lists a Andrew Saunders as living there. The Coolatin Estate records in the National Library of Ireland establish that, in 1805, Andrew had received a lease whose longevity was based on the life of his son James, who was 14 in 1805. James was the only Saunders in Knocknaboley listed in the estate census of 1827. He was living on his father's original lease and this was also true in the 1839 tenant census. Jane was born about 1821 and married Thomas Griffin of Knocknaboley in 1844 (probably) in Kilcommon Parish whereupon she and Thomas immigrated to Cartwright Township, Durham County, Ontario in 1851.

In the 1851 and subsequent censuses we find that James Saunders, born in 1791, and his wife have also moved to Cartwright in 1847 and his death record confirms he was from Wicklow. (His death was witnessed by a Mr. Thomas Darcy. The estate records for Knocknaboley show that the Darcy and Griffin families were neighbors in Ireland.)

Thus it appears that Thomas and Jane followed her folks to Durham Co Ontario from Knocknaboley.


The census shows Jane Griffin, age 70, living with Ezekial Phair and she is listed as his Mother-In-Law. Ezekial was the husband of Jane's daughter Margaret.


Jane was listed with her daughter Margaret Phair's family in Forwich in 1891 census of Ontario.


Email from genealogist, Feb 10, 2007

As I go through my Wexford databases.... I also have one "Sanders".... Mary Sanders was Baptized 24 January 1802 in the R.C. Church in Killaveny/Anacorra. Daughter of Andrew Sanders and Margaret Strahan. Sponsors were Matthew Lambert and Margaret Farrell. Residence was Knocknaboley. Father listed as Protestant.

Peggy Leonard


Name: James Saunders Age: 80 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1791 Gender: Male Taken from 1871 census index of Ontario. This is Jane Saunder's father James, of Knocknaboley. Jane and Thomas Griffin were also living in Cartwright from 1851 through the 1860s.

Birth Place: Ireland Residence District: Durham West Residence Location: Cartwright Ethnic Origin: Irish Religion: Church of England, Anglican Occupation: Farmer Division: 1 Microfilm Roll: C-9978 Page: 42 Head of Household Comment: This person is listed as a head of household.

Census1891 Census Image from Howick Ontario1891 Census Image from Howick Ontario
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Media objectJane SAUNDERS GriffinJane SAUNDERS Griffin
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Media objectThomas Griffin and Jane Saunders Griffin, circa 1883Thomas Griffin and Jane Saunders Griffin, circa 1883
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